Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Reports TWO DAY NAVIGATION RIDE. June 2013

This topic contains 165 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Geoff Forshaw 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    yeah it was advised to take camping gear in case you do not make it to the nightly accom but that was done easily by all.


    A couple great reads there Wigster and YZ :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I look forward for more to follow.

    Left B)


    Dave Wiggin

    After a good night of bike talk and British Lions victory (have I mentioned that yet) Sunday morning was a positively balmy 5 degrees. Isambard and I headed out to Lake Conoblas to pick up our day 2 ride notes.

    Rain was predicted for later in the day so I was thinking this could be quite challenging, particularly as I overheard TB saying “the pine forest will sort a few of ’em out”.

    The view from the top was non existent so we headed off in to what was to turn out to be the most challenging and rewarding bike days of my life.

    Some open trails then in to the forest. A thick layer of pine needles over a wet red clay base made for some interesting traction issues. Isambard and I shared nav duties, but the funny thing was every time one of us took over the lead, within 100 metres we had missed a turn (I think I was actually more at fault than you here Steve!) so there was a lot of turning around in very tight spaces on very slippery tracks. All good though as I began to get a handle on the conditions. The riding was constantly challenging (for me) but great fun as the trails switched back and forth through the forest.

    Then we came across a particularly badly rutted section pictured in TB’s preride photo’s. I got a line wrong and managed to get my front wheel in one rut and the rear in a paralell one. I gunned it hoping the rear would pop out in line with the front but all that happened was I went sideways down the track. I continued this crab like progress for about five metres before my bash plate hung up leaving me high and not so dry.

    I was stuck fast and had to wait for Isambard to help me carry the rear over to the same rut as the front. Thanks mate!

    I was glad to get through that bit but knew there was a hill coming up. And sure enough it was steepish but covered in red clay mud. I nearly got to the top but hit a hole, ran out of momentum and grip and slithered backwards half way down. It was now I wished I had put a more aggressive tyre on the rear as it span in the mud getting me nowhere. With a push from a couple of the boys I got to the top. There was a bit of carnage as one of the guys in our group (green Kawa, sorry mate, didn’t get your name) had a red hot go at the hill only to wipe out spectacularly. No damage done though and more pushing got him to the top too.

    Never have I wanted a strong coffee and instead two attractive slim ladies, one of whom claimed to be TB’s sister. An outstanding breakfast had me set up for the rest of the day.

    The single track was up next, which due to the Trumpy’s rather wide arse with the Rotopax and Wolfman panniers on board, made things interesting squeezing between some of the trees. Having done this section, and survived unscathed through the red clay and pine forest and not having read the track notes properly, I rather foolishly assumed the worst was behind us.

    Now that really was a schoolboy error. Before long we were back in the forest with TB wispering in my ear (with apologies to Marsellus Wallace, Pulp Fiction) “I ain’t through with you by a damn sight Wigster. I’ma get medieval on your ass”. It was about to get very interesting.

    So Isambard and I came upon the first really steep downhill. Badly rutted, Isambard tested out the frictional qualities of his polythene petrol tank againt the red clay by sliding down on his side. A technique which, it has to be said, needs a little work. I managed to stay right side up but it was close.

    Bloody Hell, that was steep we said to each other, not knowing that two even steeper descents lay in wait. We came across the next one and the hours watching Ned Suesse dual sport dvd’s must have rubbed off as
    I went very light on the front brake, kept the front wheel turning and got her down. The last one was the steepest and I went a bit too fast for my liking (If “momentum is your friend” I’d hate to meet my enemy) and hit the creek at the bottom in a sheet of spray, but all in one piece. What a white knuckle ride! Brilliant!

    We made the servo on the Great Western highway and the end of the ride. I hit the highway for Lithgow and over the Blue Mountains for home. I was quite nice to be able to sit there and relax and let the bike do the work even in the pouring rain. On occasions during the ride I had wished I was on Isambards DRZ, particularly in the mud, but not now! The Tiger cruised effortlessly home with a happy but tired pilot on board. Got home about seven, still buzzing from a fantastic week end.

    Many thanks to TB. After every OB’s ride I say that is the best ride I have ever done. How is he going to top that?

    Also thanks to Lefty and Isambard. Happy to ride with you anytime guys, See you on the next one!



    jim cady

    Great re count Wigster,it must be your British heritage if you in any way found the trip back home over the mountains relaxing :blink: :S .Bells line was f@#$%$ed.

    Speaking of heritage you lot will keep till next time :laugh: :laugh:

    Cheers James



    Thanks for the great RR’s and pics,,All verry good. :) Realy enjoying the ride. The common theme that I’m hearing ,is that every one found a chalange to overcome,and were all exilerated and pretty pleased with them selves and totaly chuffed at the end of the day. :woohoo: Great stuff.
    Cheers Teza.


    Dave Wiggin
    james wrote:
    Great re count Wigster,it must be your British heritage if you in any way found the trip back home over the mountains relaxing :blink: :S .Bells line was f@#$%$ed.

    Speaking of heritage you lot will keep till next time :laugh: :laugh:

    Cheers James

    We’ll see James. If your lot could keep Kurtley Beal and James O’Çonnor off the drink you might stand a chance!



    Dave Wiggin
    Ace wrote:
    Wigster wrote:
    Fortunately Ace wasn’t on this ride, so I couldn’t be led astray when I got to the pub at Lithgow and encouraged to drink more than is good for me the night before a big ride like last time.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I never takes much twisting Wiggy! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Sounds like you had a great ride mate. I look forward to catching up with you mate ;)

    It was a great ride Ace. See you on the next one mate I hope. Keen to hear about your trip out west too.




    Watch it in 720 or 1080 for the best results




    Awesome work TB, that was a top weekend.



    craig evans

    once again the magician waves his magic wand and does brilliant work like always


    Still kicking my own ass for not being able to make this ride. I guess it’s going to be a long wait till August.




    49 days… ;)

    Santa is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy longer to wait for than that :ohmy:


    D-Rally wrote:
    Still kicking my own ass for not being able to make this ride. I guess it’s going to be a long wait till August.

    Get on it, it will be full soon



    The Friday dramas, another thankyou to the barrett boys but here is what our friday looked like.

    Arriving at freemans …. all good


    Colo …. still good


    20Ks out of Bilpin … going to shit


    1 hour later …… yep this is not working


    and the rest is history :)


    Steve Parkes

    Great report Wigster. Totally agree was more than happy on the DRZ until that b!@#!@#f of a trip home along Bells in the dark and the rain. Needed your headlight then!

    And TB, who won the lucky door prize on Sunday? Just am planning another shopping trip to Dural..

    And unrelated, is it possible to get the tracks for the first day? Loved the bit into Turon Gates but no idea where we went. And would also be nice to do that last section in daylight :)

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