Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Reports TWO DAY NAVIGATION RIDE. June 2013

This topic contains 165 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Geoff Forshaw 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    craig evans

    well it hasn’t held off the rain has started ere , we get our rain from bathurst so i take it they would had copped it a cpl of hrs ago ,lets hope it has bypassed them



    I love men


    Dwayne O
    pete the wulf wrote:
    I love men

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    And why is that Peter ????? Or shouldn`t I ask :laugh:


    pete the wulf wrote:
    I love men

    Ha ha hacked :laugh:



    Hacked I would say Eags, hacked by Mr Poo Face.



    Not that there is anything wrong with that. :ohmy: :dry:
    Please explain, PTW?


    Dwayne O

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Hope you Dudes are keeping out of the rain??
    It has been good here until about 1:30
    Now its just flogging down.
    Its just me, Neil Young on the DVD and a bottle of Turkey
    Stay upright fella’s


    Dwayne O

    Now I will have to go back thru and moderate this entire report ,,
    Nah, ya know what ???

    I reckon you can do it Pete :P :P :P


    Hey Eags
    I guess I am one step closer to Adventure riding now. ;)
    This may be the first Adv thread I have opened
    Just goes to show how bored I am. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Sorry gentlemen
    Who am I to comment, sitting here all dry and warm. (SOFT)
    You fella’s are the hardcore ones today. :woohoo:


    Dwayne O

    Ha ha ha
    Who would`vr thought Murph would be seen in here ???? :whistle: :cheer:
    Yep, it sux to be outdoors today mate


    Rob Berecry

    G’day All

    Well I’m just back from the NAV ride, mind you we skipped the last day we had some bike issues and I’m coming down with the flu..

    Any way a massive thanks to TB, Amy and others that put all this together it was a huge effort on your part and the tracks were great covered everything, I came off twice no biggie 1 on a u turn and the other on the mud. We pulled out of Wellington at 15:20ish and I managed to cop a nail in my back tyre on dark.

    Huge thanks to Lefty, he had my back tyre off before I could get off the bloody thing mate really appericeated your help and enthusiasm. Also Ron for that beaut little electric pump and the two English gents (sorry forgot your names).

    Thanks again all a great group of people!




    Saw the yellow TEN (Steve from ADV moto???) and another bike on a trailer east bound on Bells Line of Road at Bilpin about 1.30pm. A couple of lone Ten’s just after that and turning right from Chifley Rd onto The Darling Causeway about 2’ish a BIG Ten and a Husky 650 Terrawhatever they are called… it was wet and cold.

    Still a bad day riding is better than a good day at work! :whistle:

    Looking forward to reading all about this ride in the coming days!


    jim cady

    Just got home,time to thaw out.

    Bells line of rd sure was cold and wet seemed like a good idea at the time :pinch:

    Should have stayed at the pub in lithgow :laugh:

    Awesome weekend thanks to all involved ;)


    Dwayne O

    Now you can appreciate why Mt Irvine Trail was so good mate ,,
    Bells Line is ur only option now :(

    Glad you made it around ok fella B)
    See you soon

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 173 total)

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