Ultra Heavy Duty Tubes ???

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This topic contains 18 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Scott Hanley 13 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #207435

    Scott Hanley

    Why don’t you run a tube valve nut?

    Scotto wrote:
    Why don’t you run a tube valve nut?

    If the tyre moves on the rim and the tube nut is locked down it will rip the valve out of the tube.

    Sutto’s had Michelin ultra heavy duties on special recently. I got a couple for the RMX.



    I have ran the same set of Bridgstone UHD tubes in my YZ450 for 80hrs. I have been through 2 front tyres and three back tyres. I have done mainly single track (rocks, logs ect)with some MX and also hattah desert race. I use talc powder and not a single flat. Need I say more. ;)


    Scott Hanley

    Thanks Scotty
    I have a small rubber tube under the valve nut I guess that allows the valve to move around.

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