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September 9, 2015 at 6:45 am #104596
After 2 days of great riding I decided to go for a surf at my local LH point break
Had a few fun small waves when things turned to shit
After catching my last wave almost to the shore the wave sucked dry and I fell straight on a gnarly piece of exposed rock
Got washed to shore in extreme pain
Lucky there were a couple fella’s there to help me out of the water
Then came the long and excruciating 1 and 1/2 km walk back to the cars
Well that didn’t happen and I collapsed about halfway in a fit of spasms and shaking uncontrollably
One of the two blokes that was helping turned out to be an off duty paramedic
He called an ambulance but they couldn’t gain access to the beach because it has been locked up for years. If they could of got in it would of saved the Weastpac Chopper coming in and maybe saved me a whole lot of money
Anyway the chopper did arrive just after a crew of about 9 people had seen to me
The green whistle was a buzz and they put me on a stretcher, filled me with more drugs and flew me to the John Hunter
After many X-rays and ultra sounds they found nothing to be broken or out of place (thank god)
As I was sure my back was RS
More drugs were administered and after 4 or so hrs I hobbled my way out of there and spewed up in the wifes car on the way home.
Not a good day
Have been layed out in bed for the past two days
I have had my share of big hits but that has been the biggestQuestion. Does anybody know if I have to pay for the helicopter ride as I am not in a fund?
September 9, 2015 at 7:18 am #262694F@#k Murph, I cant believe you walk 1.5ks to go surfing :laugh:
September 9, 2015 at 7:28 am #262705Surf that Murph not good. At lest nothing broken.
I’m in a fund and they told me that I’m covered for the chopper by the ambo part of it.
September 9, 2015 at 7:34 am #262706It free murph rest easy
September 9, 2015 at 7:40 am #262695Not good Murph! Take it easy for a few days. I bet you are a model patient! Cheers budge
September 9, 2015 at 7:46 am #262696Murph
The mines at gunnedah fund raise and support this service. Also the community do charity rides ect to help support it. To date since its been in operation no one has ever had to pay….fantastic job they do… Some of the guys at work salary sacrifice to support this service also every little bit does help and is tax deductible..
There is a charity fun run called king of the rock murph you can run from nundle up the hill to sheeba dams hanging rock annually…..
We were talking to the general manager a month or so ago at a charity lawn bowls day. Who has said they are getting all new equipment new choppers added to the fleet which will bring them to having state of the art equipment and will be the best fitted out choppers in the world.. With thanks to the communities all over the place who support the choopers….
Happy to see you are right.. Thought you would do damage like that on one of your crazy ass rides. Not in the ocean… Speedy recovery all the best
September 9, 2015 at 8:05 am #262707thanks fella’s
Andy, I do donate to the Westpac helicopter fund every week because I think its a great service
I think I’m in an ambulance fund
So in closing I have to say thanks to everybody involved in my rescue
you all did a bloody good job
murphSeptember 9, 2015 at 9:36 am #262697Bloody dangerous sport that surfing thing you do :ohmy:
If it’s not rocks it’s sharks :pinch:
Hope to catch up on a ride soon
September 9, 2015 at 9:44 am #262698Thats a shit go Murph,hope yu OK mate.
I’v been in a Care flyt situation and thought the same thing as you,,It was freekin me out more than the injury at the time,,but yes it’s a charity funded organisation put in place for those in peril,much like the flying doctor service,,,and how good are they. I have nothing but admiration for their professionalism and dedication in saving lives,as no doubt you now do.
Get well soon.
Cheers Teza.September 9, 2015 at 10:03 am #262708I am sure Murph that helicopter is free , but the Ambulance cost shit loads
Get well mate
September 9, 2015 at 11:12 am #262709Aahhh Poop, from the heading I thought you were made to take a ride on a Harley or something :laugh:
Good to hear your Ok Murph, give that surfing away mate bloody dangerous pastime that :laugh:see you out there soon legend.
September 9, 2015 at 9:21 pm #262699Hi murph
who knew… :huh:
that we are safer riding tracks like amazon than going for a dip at the beach.Glad your in one piece.
Remember mate you are getting older :dry:
maybe you should give those dangerous water sports :whistle:Cheers Gordo
September 9, 2015 at 10:48 pm #262710Bloody hell Murph stick to the bikes they are much safer – maybe not…
Glad to hear your OK, lucky you didn’t crack your skull open. I bet your family are giving you heaps!
Rest up!September 10, 2015 at 5:06 am #262711Get well mate.
Stick to bikes hey
September 10, 2015 at 9:04 am #262700Glad you’re ok Murph
Bloody rocks :pinch:
might have to wear your body armor next surf mate
Bol :woohoo: -
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