Unwanted chopper ride

Home Forums Ride Reports Unwanted chopper ride

This topic contains 20 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  drew 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #262701

    Dwayne O

    Wishing you a Speedy recovery there Murph ,
    Surfing Ghosties were ya ?

    I haven`t been there for about 20 yrs :blink:


    thanks again for the well wishes, gents

    yes it was ghosties, eags

    because I landed on my thigh it is too painful to sit down, still
    have been in bed for the past three days :(
    not happy :angry:

    I would love to read the TB’s simpson desert, Eagles touring NW NSW and Boll’s Cape ride reports, but my computer is just too slow to view them. I hope ya’s had a ball.



    Adrian Gale

    Take it easy and get well soon Murph.



    Glad to here you are all good Murph

    Cheers Strucky



    Everything is hard core with you isnt it murph….. Sounds like even the walk from the car park to the beach is a grade 3 or higher…. :P

    Glad your ok.

    If you can’t have a laugh at yourself…. Post it up so atleast we can :silly:


    Mike Wyeth

    bloody hell Murph :ohmy: go easy mate, hope your not out for too long ;) ;) ;)

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