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March 7, 2012 at 4:10 pm #101140
As i’m sure you are all aware,tragically a local Highway patrol officer was shot and killed here in Tamworth last week.
Senior constable David Rixon,40 yrs old,Wife and 6 children,Tamworth born and bred and an only child to his parents.I didn’t know him, but i knew his face,one hell of a good bloke,quoted by anyone who knew him .
I knew the service was going to be huge,so i parked my car a few blocks away and listened to the live coverage on the ABC.As the service was finishing up i walked down to the church and i was amazed at the thousands of people there :ohmy:
This man died serving our community , and the community turned out to pay their respects.There even was a large group of people from the area which he was shot (NOT a good area of town :unsure: ).The Police force was there on mass and it was a very moving service.The respect that the fellow police officers showed to their fallen officer and the support they had for each other was like nothing i have ever seen.
David Rixon was also passionate about Motorcycles,so i only feel that it is important that i posted this report on this website.
I took a few photos with my camera before the funeral procession started..and after it finished.Out of respect,none were taken during the procession.Thats the medias job i guess :huh:The quality of my photos are crap…but my phone is crap
…sorry..watch the news tonight or buy a paper tomorrow.
A sea of blue.This is a photo outside the church,there is still another 500 in the church and a few hundred behind me :ohmy:
About to head off.Lead by Davids police car and the Police bikes
The guard of Honor which stretched a long long way.These are all police cars.
Anyway,just thought i would share.
Respect to the NSW Police force.
And Vale to Senoir Constable David Rixon…who died a hero.Bol :woohoo:
March 7, 2012 at 4:26 pm #217774One nice story that came out of the whole sad affair, was that little girl’s gesture at the Tamworth police station the other day.
March 7, 2012 at 4:28 pm #217775R.I.P
Its a job I wouldnt like to do but has to be done
Thanks for again making me aware it was on Bollocks
March 7, 2012 at 5:11 pm #217780micknmeld wrote:One nice story that came out of the whole sad affair, was that little girl’s gesture at the Tamworth police station the other day.Diddn’t just bring a tear to the eye of hardened coppers either, the odd ‘Fireman’ might have too……
Peolpe like him help make the world a safer place and unfortunatley they are taken far too early.
May he rest in peace!Cheers
Fireman…….March 7, 2012 at 5:35 pm #217776Nice job Bollocks
I was very touched when I wacth it on the news on Friday, I look at my son and throught about his six little ones.
I rang the staiton on Friday evening just to say that my my familey were thinking if them who had just lost there mate and his family.
March 7, 2012 at 5:59 pm #217782strucky wrote:Nice job BollocksI was very touched when I wacth it on the news on Friday, I look at my son and throught about his six little ones.
I rang the staiton on Friday evening just to say that my my familey were thinking if them who had just lost there mate and his family.
fireman wrote:Diddn’t just bring a tear to the eye of hardened coppers either, the odd ‘Fireman’ might have too……Peolpe like him help make the world a safer place and unfortunatley they are taken far too early.
May he rest in peace!Cheers
Fireman…….Well said and well put guys, I to got a bit choked up by it FM
March 7, 2012 at 6:25 pm #217784I didn’t know him either but his face seems familiar for some reason. It is a very sad situation and I certainly feel for his wife and kids.
I’ve been thinking about this before this happened but this incident just enforces it in my mind. I think the police need more support from the public in general. For instance if a car crashes in a high speed chase it is the police’s fault. If the police have to use force to apprehend a criminal it is rough justice. It needs to go the other way aound. If there is a crash during a high speed chase the person not doing as the police ask is charged with attempted murder (what happens in the worst case when it goes wrong). I would also like to see how anybody can apprehend a thug resisting arrest without using force. There is only one language some people understand. The police have enough shit to deal with in a day without going around looking for an opportunity to punch someone. My feeling is if a policemean asks you to come in for questioning or a little cool down session in the cell and you don’t comply then you deserve what you get. There would be very few police who could be bothered to abuse this power and you can’t tell me that the police who work with these few bad eggs don’t know who they are and they can sort it out from within.
It all comes back to people having no responsibility for their actions. Every action has consequences and these consequences need to be appropriate. This means the police have to be backed up by the court system.
Sorry for the rant but this just annoys me no end.
Getting back on topic. I’d hate to step out of line in Coledale at the moment. My condolences to police community and the Rixon family.
March 7, 2012 at 6:27 pm #217785I’m thoughts go out to his Family, Colleuges, Community and Freinds. I don’t whatch the TV much and don’t listen to the radio either. Did they catch the people who did it?
March 7, 2012 at 6:46 pm #217786Uncle Fester wrote:I’m thoughts go out to his Family, Colleuges, Community and Freinds. I don’t whatch the TV much and don’t listen to the radio either. Did they catch the people who did it?The officer pulled over the vehicle for a routine check.Guy in the car came out with a pistol and shot the police officer twice,the officer returned fire and hit the offender .The police officer tried to cuff him while he was wounded :ohmy: but collapsed.The shooter is in John Hunter hospital awaiting questioning and the officer has been awarded Posthumasly 3 bravery awards.
BolMarch 7, 2012 at 6:59 pm #217777March 7, 2012 at 7:01 pm #217787yes they got him Fes, and apparently a fair whack of Heroin as well. It really annoys me when Scum of the Earth do all this crap and feel hard done by. They are nothing but parasites, I take my hat off to the Police and all the other services (ambo,fire ses etc)
RIP mate
March 7, 2012 at 7:15 pm #217790RIP mate
And may the arsehole who took the life of a father,husband,brother,and mate rot in hell.
Boony :angry: :angry: :angry:
March 7, 2012 at 7:46 pm #217778That a very nice bit Scotty very nice
March 7, 2012 at 8:11 pm #217779Big turnout there today :whistle:
I also have the utmost respect for the police & other emergency personnel who have such difficult jobs at times ..
R.I.P mate an condolences to his family & fellow officers
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