Wallaroo Ride 2o/4/13

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides Wallaroo Ride 2o/4/13

This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jeffrey Smith 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    Matt Jones


    Im posting my first ride it will be a grade 3 to 4 ride with a couple of optional hills in the 5 up area. The hills are not that hard they just look a bit daunting and are optional dont have to go up, some can go round and some can go up if keen. I havn’t had to grade a ride before so i hope my estimations on the grades are correct.


    Date: sat 20/4/13

    Time: 8am meet up ( PM for Location and numbers )

    Location: Wallaroo state forest Italia rd East Seaham [15mins from Raymond Terrace]

    Grade: 3 to 4

    Duration: 3 to 4 hrs about 70km

    Riders : cut off at 10ish people I think

    All welcome


    Paul Boland

    I should be right for this one (as long as I only need to ride grade 3 :( )


    Matt Jones

    Hey T W

    Sounds good give me a buzz or drop in prior


    I am a chance of making this one, I haven’t been out to Wallaroo for a couple of years now. Will make a fianl call on Friday.



    Put me down as a started Will confirm early friday depending on work arrangements


    Matt Jones

    Hey Jeffro Richo450x

    Let me no me when definite and I’ll PM meet details

    Cheers Jonsa



    Maybe next time Mate Ive hook up a ride @ Watties bit clser to home .

    jonsa wrote:
    Hey Jeffro Richo450x

    Let me no me when definite and I’ll PM meet details

    Cheers Jonsa

    As long as it isn’t raining I am In Jonsa, just let me know where to meet.

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