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This topic contains 78 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Bruce Curtis 13 years, 7 months ago.
August 5, 2011 at 12:20 am #206283
its the world we live in today,everything that we enjoy will cost us money.
August 5, 2011 at 12:31 am #206284micknmeld wrote:The only trouble with Boony’s logic is…….. it is very expensive to ride at a MX track. With licensing, club membership, entry fees and the likes, a day at the track is a bit expensive for your average punter. And there lies our problem….. Young blokes on limited incomes ( we have all been there) that own MX bikes, are faced with all these costs to go for a ride or do they just “hit the bush” and do it 10 times cheaper than a club day. I know where I would have chosen in the same situation..i do agree with the costs ofa days track riding, but its only 10 times cheaper until you hit another vehicle or you get caught by the policeman.and rules are rules?
August 5, 2011 at 12:36 am #206287Boony wrote:micknmeld wrote:The only trouble with Boony’s logic is…….. it is very expensive to ride at a MX track. With licensing, club membership, entry fees and the likes, a day at the track is a bit expensive for your average punter. And there lies our problem….. Young blokes on limited incomes ( we have all been there) that own MX bikes, are faced with all these costs to go for a ride or do they just “hit the bush” and do it 10 times cheaper than a club day. I know where I would have chosen in the same situation..i do agree with the costs ofa days track riding, but its only 10 times cheaper until you hit another vehicle or you get caught by the policeman.and rules are rules?
Tell that to a young fella that is a bit low on funds and wants to go ride. I know that’s the rules and so do they but they are prepared to run the gauntlet for the fun of a ride. Like i said earlier “There lies the problem”.
August 5, 2011 at 12:42 am #206285micknmeld wrote:The only trouble with Boony’s logic is…….. it is very expensive to ride at a MX track. With licensing, club membership, entry fees and the likes, a day at the track is a bit expensive for your average punter. And there lies our problem….. Young blokes on limited incomes ( we have all been there) that own MX bikes, are faced with all these costs to go for a ride or do they just “hit the bush” and do it 10 times cheaper than a club day. I know where I would have chosen.That’s life Mick life as it is at the moment. I have two kids that ride and we juggle it without track days. We aren’t as lucky as you with your out laws owning 600+ acres you can use and even Mooses down the road sometimes but we get by. I understand what your saying but if you have a head on with a un-regoed kid on a unregoed bike and couldn’t work for 6 months would you feel the same? Remember no rego no insurance / green slip of any description :huh:
Maybe ride parks are the answer, not cheap but cheaper than losing your house cause your young bloke or daughter had an accident? I would love to ride with my kids in the bush, if it’s not Louee or the likes its with you at the out laws or wait :S
August 5, 2011 at 12:44 am #206288the problem lies in the fact that they get away with it so often, its not wrong if their not caught, well thats the train of thought the younguns run with..
and I agree,,there lies our problemAugust 5, 2011 at 12:47 am #206289I wasn’t condoning it. I was just pointing out part of the problem.
I realise we are lucky up here to have the opportunity to ride in the bush with our kids legally, it is the thousands of other owners of MX bikes that hit the bush each and every weekend that need to realise the risk they are taking. Just saying….. :dry:
I am not getting on my high horse either……….I have seen a young bloke on a green bike in spots he shouldn’t have been legally. Like i said there lies the problem, even people that know the rules are still prepared to flaunt it….same as drink driving for instance.
August 5, 2011 at 12:48 am #206290As I tell the staff at work,, dont tell me the problem, give me a solution????
August 5, 2011 at 12:58 pm #206008I had this problem on an almost daily occurrence at my last residence (one of the reasons I sold up actually)
Most of the time the police would turn up & simply watch from a distance and were more interested in whether the cars & trailers they towed the bikes with were rego`d.Maybe they just couldn`t be bothered with the paperwork. On about 4 occasions I swa them bust someone & each time just give them a verbal warning & make them walk home :blink: :angry:
Then low & behold, the same idiots were back there tha very next day :laugh:
Still a big problem, more so in the forests where there are more escape routes and I can`t really see it going away in a hurry :whistle:
August 5, 2011 at 3:42 pm #206291Boony wrote:As I tell the staff at work,, dont tell me the problem, give me a solution????Bit of a worry when the consensus is pointing the finger at you though Boony?
and I’d be really worried about their solution then……
Maybe a fresh mound of earth out the back?
August 5, 2011 at 4:20 pm #206304Ok ,, tell me again , how a friendly disbute regard people partaking in an illegal offence has been turned around to the point where I`m the target,,!!!!!
Way to many peole are keen to have a shot at the problem but theres bloody few that actually try to fix it. That is where my comment come from!August 5, 2011 at 4:31 pm #206286The limited budget thing is a bit of a fallacy for a lot of these riders. I have seen plenty of young fellas who can seem to afford brand new latest and greatest MX bikes and all the latest riding gear to go with it. Then they have a new HSV ute (or something just as expensive) which they use to get the bike to the bush. But seemingly they can’t afford rego or club/track fees.
These are the same young dicks you will find at most night clubs on Friday/Saturday nights who will think nothing of blowing hundreds of dollars on piss then drive there HSV ute home blind drunk because they can’t afford to get a taxi. Do we say thats ok too? Please, these young dickheads have more expendable income to throw around than me and I can afford to register my bike. Their issue is not always limited income but the way they choose to spend what they have.
I got my first registered bike and licence at the age of 18, at the time I was an apprentice earning $92 a week. I just sacrificed the things in life I didn’t need so I could have the thing I really wanted, to be able to ride legally.
I do realise there are some young ones out there with a limited budget but there are plenty who can more than afford it who just don’t bother.
The fact is as an activity, dirt bikes are an expensive option. It may be a bit elitist to say if you can’t afford to do it by the rules than don’t do it at all but thats just a fact of life and is not limited to dirtbikes.
August 5, 2011 at 7:36 pm #206306Yep 100% true Scotty.
if they can afford any bike worth over $2.5-3000, i reckon they can afford to register it too!
now i know i’m not on the lowest income around( and living costs are meagre while allowing my folks to share their home with me :laugh: :pinch: ), but as a Disability Support Pensioner i can budget $150/month to allow me to register 1 car( albeit free RTA costs) but in saying that the CTP and TPP-fire n theft was $600+. 1 bike at around the cost as the car, and by the end of the year hopefully my much neglected Monster.
Scotty what’s the legalities of my thoughts on riding on crown land?? = making a ST sorta loop idea in some of the trees along side the main roads.
August 6, 2011 at 2:13 am #206315Firstly Boony, my comment was a light hearted vision of your workplace not your opinion.
Secondly, elsewhere on the net rider rights are being debated hotly, the main thing I see in all these types of debates, speed cameras, NPWS closures, rec reg, unrego riders, farmers rights, neighbourhood disputes is a total “Within the confines of the box” thinking, we allow stupid paople to make stupid laws, then we blindly follow them.
As Pete Madison pointed out in Australia we have pubs and nightclubs open 24hrs but nowhere to ride our bikes, whereas in the USA (he lives there a few months a year and has dual citizenship) Bars and nightclubs are carefully regulated but there are massive areas of wilderness were you can ride unrego, as long as you have a licence. What does this tell us? yep it’s sanctioned to go out and get smashed, fight, glass and be anti-social, but heaven forbid you take up a pastime that is healthy and get’s you to view our country and not being anti-social….think about this the most heavily regulated crown lands are in good Ole Australia.. yep it’s us, and we blindly believe all the insurance crap and legal nonsense that we are spoonfed.
If the Yanks can do it why can’t we, and before we get on our high horse saying stuff like “I’ve got rego why can’t they?’ give me a logical reason, not a emotional jealousy one, ask yourself what is wrong with a country that cannot provide facilities for a bigger portion of recreational riders than there are cricketers or AFl players, why we can’t provide someplace for people to ride yet we can spend millions of dollars on a few thousand that play psorts in far lesser numbers.
Now I understand some of us are regulators and must uphold the law in our daily grind, however it does not mean we must agree with those laws.I wholeheartedly believe if resource and thought was put into this issue it wouldn’t be an issue….
the fixes are very simple, unpopular with some lobby groups and mundane thought patterns, but as Boony said
Yep obviously there is a problem, now what’s the solution?, always remembering there is more than one way to skin a cat, especially if we put the egos aside and just try to look for a long term place for our sport….
August 6, 2011 at 12:31 pm #206009I heard that the Police were doing a blizt at Sunny Corner this weekend for unregistered bikes and will be doing it over the next few months.
Hope they catch a few.August 6, 2011 at 1:10 pm #206399if they do catch a few they should impound the vehicles they use to transport the unregoed bikes there, that may start to deter a few of them. word would soon spread.
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