Watch Out Unregoed Riders

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This topic contains 78 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Bruce Curtis 13 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #206563

    Adrian Gale
    Bob wrote:
    I wa swondering why they were all packed up and heading home ………..Thought there could have been more fire issues

    Great avo sat Galey /Clarky and everyone else
    Wish i could have spent the whole weekend there

    Cheers Bob, great to have you. Ride reports/ pics coming


    The Police were great they came out of nowhere, I came up to the corner and there they were hot on my tail, just making sure that we were licenced and rego, he couldn’t see my plate properly cause it was covered in mud so he said that he wanted to make sure.


    Bruce Curtis
    Bob wrote:
    What gain is there for any politician to back a Minority????????????
    Local or not

    Minority where you are, majority here and many parts of SE Qld, and the local pollies do like to be returned.

    we got (read this and weep greens) over 50,000 objections to that disastrous dirtbike plan up here, and 20 in favour….. methinks that is not a minority appearance.
    see the locals can adjust laws at a LGA level and that is that simple for many areas, the others can be adjusted at a state level, and each local politician that is currently in power is a member of a larger coalition of two parties, one being the national party…



    A license and rego is like a helmet, I won’t ride with out it, if someone wants to ride with out it then that’s there problem.

    My worry is that we are being put in the same category as the jerks that scream up and down the street with out a helmet on and clearly no rego.

    My neighbours know me and they know I respect them but these F wits don’t care about anyone but themselves.

    When something goes wrong and someone gets hurt or killed these wankers get referred to in the media as dirt bike riders or trail bike riders and to the people who don’t know the difference between F wits and us then we get the spot light.

    Maybe we need to be able to separate the morons from the people who are trying to do the right thing.

    Buggered if I know


Viewing 4 posts - 76 through 79 (of 79 total)

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