Wattie’s/Newcastle Ride 05/04/2009 (EOI)

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides Wattie’s/Newcastle Ride 05/04/2009 (EOI)

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    Cant be that hard or fast Eagle, like Moto said if Ollie goes it will be a steady ride :P



    Dwayne O

    No Worries KylieD,
    We will wait for you, it was your idea to run it anyway that got me keen :)

    And no matter how hard or fast the watties day is, I`m away heaps between now & Easter, 3 different trips :(



    Moto wrote:

    Okay, I didn’t realise that was you. You were there with your mate Dan then ;)

    We can chat about it we get out for the next ride, if you know any erzberg sh!t yourself we can try and link it up :)

    It was me. I was there with my mate on the other new WR and his young bloke on the RMX. Both are now members of OBT and are down for the Xmas party (Big T and Snake).



    Moto wrote:

    Okay, I didn’t realise that was you. You were there with your mate Dan then ;)

    We can chat about it we get out for the next ride, if you know any erzberg sh!t yourself we can try and link it up :)

    If you want tight single trail and erzberg single track may I suggest a few locations:blush:

    Panadol Hill access is from Boyds Take the first left and follow it
    Prick Hill moto you know that one:blink: plus all of the adjoining single track
    Devils boulders after Prick hill single track you know this as well moto comes out on Siding rd (I think)
    The track off siding rd that goes up the Hill where Gili had that monster leach on his leg.Then head towards Tunks fire trail (this is Erzberg shit especially if it Rains:S ) Then make your way to scout camp and head Lemon tree then towards the Pines
    That should get the heart rate going for you:laugh: I would easily rate a 4 possibly 5 Depending where you start you could possibly throw in Whitemans and Hitchcocks and Georges, all on Dooralong Map



    Dwayne O

    We will meet again soon Moto;) Don`t panic old mate.
    We are building a solid Newy crew now, so rides should be more frequent & varied I`d reckon:)



    Trailboss wrote:

    Cant be that hard or fast Eagle, like Moto said if Ollie goes it will be a steady ride :P


    Oh its like that is it? Steady ride…..re slooooowww right gotcha! This is where I am meant to bite :ohmy: but I wont I am comfortable with my riding ability or non ability? Thank you very much TB (Total Biarch):laugh:



    Dwayne O

    Ollie wrote:

    Trailboss wrote:

    Cant be that hard or fast Eagle, like Moto said if Ollie goes it will be a steady ride :P


    Oh its like that is it? Steady ride…..re slooooowww right gotcha! This is where I am meant to bite :ohmy: but I wont I am comfortable with my riding ability or non ability? Thank you very much TB Biarch:laugh:


    :woohoo: That bait was out there for a while, you forgot to Berley up TB:P



    Ollie wrote:

    Trailboss wrote:

    Cant be that hard or fast Eagle, like Moto said if Ollie goes it will be a steady ride :P


    Oh its like that is it? Steady ride…..re slooooowww right gotcha! This is where I am meant to bite :ohmy: but I wont I am comfortable with my riding ability or non ability? Thank you very much TB Biarch:laugh:


    Dont shoot the messenger and Biarch me I just forwarded Moto’s comments :P . Besides I have done my time stuck behind you and having to dodge you when your retread let go :blink: on that corner, still remember that, funny stuff :woohoo: ! It was good fun thanks. Dont shoot the messenger remember, cheers :laugh:




    Wheres the Video? It was the front that let go only had 8 psi in it.:blink: I definatley left skiddies after that one:laugh: I have a lot of respect for Moto especially how he overcame adversity with his massive debilitating thumb injury:laugh: ,then ride 3 days straight the last two were hardcore not the soft as cruisy ride of the first day.

    Ollie the Old slow fella:laugh:



    Ollie wrote:

    Wheres the Video? It was the front that let go only had 8 psi in it.:blink: I definatley left skiddies after that one:laugh: I have a lot of respect for Moto especially how he overcame adversity with his massive debilitating thumb injury:laugh: ,then ride 3 days straight the last two were hardcore not the soft as cruisy ride of the first day.

    Ollie the Old slow fella:laugh:

    It was the back retread not the front, they are ok :) the fronts that is, the backs are crap (thats my opinion and we disagree, he has to he sells them) it was the back on that uphill left hander when we got caught up behind the WR and all of a sudden the gasser was at 90 degrees to the fiddy and I thought I was going to centre punch you and the smoker scared the crap out of me as well lol :laugh: I remember thinking a second before we are all very close here and if one goes down we all go down lol :P It all ended well but as I got past you! :P You own the only 3 metre wide smoker !




    It was only because the retread was in a piece of shite Michelin S12 made in Thailand carcass !! :laugh:

    did you get any video footage? would be good to see! bloody slow WR riders,probably that slow Ash bloke was it?:laugh:




    No wasnt Ash, you wish :laugh:


    count me in Moto i’m there:cheer:



    Ollie wrote:

    If you want tight single trail and erzberg single track may I suggest a few locations:blush:

    Panadol Hill access is from Boyds Take the first left and follow it
    Prick Hill moto you know that one:blink: plus all of the adjoining single track
    Devils boulders after Prick hill single track you know this as well moto comes out on Siding rd (I think)
    The track off siding rd that goes up the Hill where Gili had that monster leach on his leg.Then head towards Tunks fire trail (this is Erzberg shit especially if it Rains:S ) Then make your way to scout camp and head Lemon tree then towards the Pines
    That should get the heart rate going for you:laugh: I would easily rate a 4 possibly 5 Depending where you start you could possibly throw in Whitemans and Hitchcocks and Georges, all on Dooralong Map


    Cheers for the info Ollie. A couple of the above sections I was thinking of using to get to the harder sections :blink: I’d class those as tricky. We might go up Hitchcocks, would be harder than going down. We could go down Whitemans (the hard way) and then up Hitchcocks and link up Panadol Hill, Tunks, The Scout Track and a couple of other sections I know.

    I just need to link it all up in a nice neat loop :)

    Jeffro – Nice to see you’re out again :)

    Okay guys, looking from the riders we are going to have out we’ll look to make it a grade 3/4 ride. Subject to change pending others that may want to ride :)



    hey, i wanna go play on last weeks state enduro loops

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