Wattie’s/Newcastle Ride 05/04/2009 (EOI)

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides Wattie’s/Newcastle Ride 05/04/2009 (EOI)

This topic contains 108 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  dennis da menace 15 years, 11 months ago.

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    Thanks for letting me know lotsa :) I don’t like the rain, or the mud for that matter but at least we won’t have any dust to contend with.

    I’ll look forward to the enduro loop report lotsa :)



    Is that why you came to Oz, to get away from that nice damp Pommy weather.



    DanD wrote:

    Is that why you came to Oz, to get away from that nice damp Pommy weather.


    And the pomms :laugh:


    Moto wrote:

    I don’t like the rain, or the mud for that matter .

    soap moto, you forgot to mention your dislike for soap




    Your got a bit of a nasty streak there Mr Menace



    List as it stands:

    1. Moto
    2. Matt
    3. DanD
    4. Jeffro
    5. Murph the Surf
    6. Old Al
    7. Holeshot
    8. Dude
    9. Shaneo?
    10. Dean (Shaneo’s Mate)?


    Add Son of Murph (Tim) to the list as we have just picked up a 2003 KTM 200 and he is keen.
    Took it out for a blast yesterday and he was stoked.
    Puting a new tyre on it today and going for another blast this arvo.
    Seeya’s Sunday



    1. Moto
    2. Matt
    3. DanD
    4. Jeffro
    5. Murph the Surf
    6. Old Al
    7. Holeshot
    8. Dude
    9. Son of Murph
    10. Dean?
    11. Shane?

    Glad he’s likes the new bike, nothing like having a new toy. The route I’m planning is still very much up in the air. I’ll have to see what the conditions are like on the day and how everyone rides. There’s a section I’d like to do but may have to skip if it’s still real wet or if anyone is struggling :)

    The weather is forecast for 23 degrees with ‘a shower or two’. If today’s ‘showers’ are anything to go by it should be great :)


    Moto wrote:

    Not when your body is a temple like mine :dry:

    yeah a bhuddist temple….:P


    DanD wrote:

    Your got a bit of a nasty streak there Mr Menace

    me, nasty, never…..feel the love, i ooze it mate..

    sometimes its the truth that hurts:P



    if you are thinking of heading over to the basin to check out the nsw enduro trails, you may want to read the riders report on http://www.ccdr.com.au. :ohmy:

    then consider that the first 2 days of this month we recieved 80mm of rain and the current rain radar shows huge downpours over wattos right now.


    1’m thinking of heading to stocko i’ll ride up there next time



    champo35 wrote:

    if you are thinking of heading over to the basin to check out the nsw enduro trails, you may want to read the riders report on http://www.ccdr.com.au. :ohmy:

    then consider that the first 2 days of this month we recieved 80mm of rain and the current rain radar shows huge downpours over wattos right now.


    1’m thinking of heading to stocko i’ll ride up there next time

    I cant get your link to work Champo sorry mate, I went in and looked you maybe very right after the rain :ohmy: can try this link http://www.ccdr.com.au/CCDR/content.php?page=home.php





    Thanks guys but we aren’t heading out that way. The current thinking is the ST from the pines following Watagan Forest Road, down Hitchcocks and then pick up the maculata loop + some other trails that Matt knows that I can never remember and make our way back.

    How much/how tricky we make it will be judged on the day :) It’s looking like we might get away with it weather wise too. Cooranbong is forecast to be cloudy with no rain and 23 degrees :)



    I got one more for tomorrow Moto – Another legend Yammie rider.


    Dwayne O

    Have fun Boys, & BE SAFE ;)

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