What did you do to your bike today?

Home Forums General Bike Talk What did you do to your bike today?

This topic contains 732 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  alan 9 years, 6 months ago.

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    Rode it of coarse. ;)
    Had two days riding awesome singles with my son and a bunch of great fella’s
    Tim broke his front guard and was finding it hard to ride until it was mentioned to take the back part of the guard off and point that forward. It made it easier to ride and it did look kinda funky.
    I must be still a bit rusty as a sling was put on my bike on one particular steep section. :blush:


    craig evans

    rode it fell off dirtied it scratched it and fell off more and more [ man i dont like rocks ] now to clean it, they say the only way to get better is to keep practicing the only thing im getn better at is falling off not ridn :laugh: :laugh:


    Steve Wyeth
    singletrackmind wrote:
    I am keen to see some Pics of your bike with all it’s new bling and sticker kit as I won’t get to see you in Noosa





    Mike Wyeth

    She’s looking schmicko Steve, shame i’m not going to get a go in Imbil forest on the 28th mate,
    no chance of a late sickie !!


    Steve Wyeth

    No mate cry00000.gif

    There is Coffs I suppose, it is a wicked bike :woohoo:


    Nice work Moto.



    Matt Baker

    New grips, new front and rear tyre, new front and rear wheel bearings but as I suspected the rear bearings weren’t too bad its the swing arm bushes that are rooted. Thats a job for next time. :(

    My bike looks crappy next to Motos so I won’t show you a pic :)

    All work carried out while on the payroll ;) , gotta love Railcorp B)


    sponsored by Railcorp, LC?
    I’m also lucky enough to be sponsored by a large government body
    Not saying who though. ;) ;)
    Way to go. :whistle:


    Matt Baker

    None of my managers are members of Old Bulls so I guess it alright to brag :laugh:

    I hurt my hand a little bit too, wonder if I should go on compo :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Cleaned the airfilter and threw a new m12 on the front with a mitchy uhd.


    Cleaned the airfilter and threw a new m12 on the front with a mitchy uhd. And made the footpeg child proof so there is no bleeding heads round here :)


    Cleaned the airfilter and threw a new m12 on the front with a mitchy uhd. And made the footpeg child proof so there is no bleeding heads round here :)



    Fitted the new SHOWA suspension,

    The top triple had to have packing machined up

    Fitted the CRF front Wheel and oversize (270mm) front Disk

    The gasgas Nissan brake fitted straight on

    The Showa forks are a bit longer so I had to slide them through the triple clamp about 6mm more

    Fitted a Cycra Disk gaurd and took her for a run in some local fire trail

    While I was at it I fitted an ASV perch clamp and safety wired up a new Longer throttle cable

    Goes Good now cant wait for a decent ride



    Looks the goods Ollie.
    You will one that front rotor once it beds in. The Showa is a long fork so just check with it raised that far in your crown that at full travel your tyre does not bottom out on your front guard, You have probably done that but just in case.


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