What did you do to your bike today?

Home Forums General Bike Talk What did you do to your bike today?

This topic contains 732 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  alan 9 years, 6 months ago.

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    just prepped the bikes just got a 2011 ktm 50 sx for the youngest his first ride at the track on sunday and the boats prepped for an afternoon fishing with the boys after work tomorrow off newcastle lets see if they get seasick :sick:


    New x ring chain, stepped up to a 14t front sprocket and replaced the rear sprocket … both renthal jobs .. took it for a quick blat and I’m in love … again … for the 4th time haha so much smoother ! No loss in acceleration, changing gears less … love it ! Replaced the chain guide and gave the frame a good polish and cleaned the bike … happy days



    New rear Tyre for the XR, regreased swing arm and linkages,new lower shock bearing,new chain guide wear piece,new shock protector,new chain adjuster bolt,new rear pads,new hour meter,cleaned ss oil filter,changed oil,checked the valve clearances,new plug. kicked her in the guts first kick she fired happy days B)

    now to spend some time on the Gasser :laugh:




    I downloaded the work shop manual for the 310. So I’v reaset the shock clikers back to factory settings,and moved some other stuff around,Like break pedal hight,put on a lower set n bars,Just have to hit the rough stuff to get it sorted,,but still waiting for me new boots to arive,,so no dirt yet for me :( but soon my frends soon. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


    Adrian Lee

    I didnt do anything to a bike but i just bought a 2012 Kato 450 exc

    Im a happy boy :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Lord Kato forever !!!!



    I picked it back up from the shop because I failed trying the fit the fan myself :(


    Matt Baker
    aido wrote:
    I didnt do anything to a bike but i just bought a 2012 Kato 450 exc

    Im a happy boy :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Lord Kato forever !!!!

    You can’t handle a Kato 450 :laugh: :laugh:


    aido wrote:
    I didnt do anything to a bike but i just bought a 2012 Kato 450 exc

    Im a happy boy :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Lord Kato forever !!!!

    great bike well done reckon you will love it :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


    LC4skin wrote:
    aido wrote:
    I didnt do anything to a bike but i just bought a 2012 Kato 450 exc

    Im a happy boy :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Lord Kato forever !!!!

    You can’t handle a Kato 450 :laugh: :laugh:

    thats half the fun isnt it trying to hang onto it cause you think you can handle it :laugh: :laugh:



    We cleaned out both cardies (they were full af crap) and set the float levels,as well as put a pair of mirrors on the scrapper in readiness for its maiden voyage tomorrow. The poor Kato just sat in the corner watching :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    aido wrote:
    I didnt do anything to a bike but i just bought a 2012 Kato 450 exc

    Im a happy boy :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Lord Kato forever !!!!

    Nice one Aido B) If I was to get a four stroke the Kato would be my choice (if Suzuki RMX450 had ADR that would be a different story)

    let us know how it goes



    Adrian Lee
    LC4skin wrote:
    aido wrote:
    I didnt do anything to a bike but i just bought a 2012 Kato 450 exc

    Im a happy boy :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Lord Kato forever !!!!

    You can’t handle a Kato 450 :laugh: :laugh:

    I will find that out next sunday B)

    Im really looking forward to getting this bike, six months of no riding has drove me crazy.


    Just ordered the PHDS handle bar damping system for it.
    :( bloody hard parts book :whistle:



    just wacked on the scotts steering damper had it since the ktm 300 may as well use it



    Just told them that I love them. Weather forecast is shite this weekend, so neither of the girls will get out. Crap

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