What did you do to your bike today?

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This topic contains 732 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  alan 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #237069

    Wet conditions. :woohoo:
    Rode to work through some singles this morning. :woohoo:
    Many more on the way home. B)


    Adrian Lee

    I put steg pegz on today


    jim cady

    Put a new air filter in the Tenere and cleaned the old one.

    Tomorrow its off with the rear brake pedal and a couple of hits on the anvil to straighten it.


    Dwayne O

    Nothing really, rode it to work, back home and parked up in the shed.
    She deserves a rest after last weekend anyway :laugh:

    It got a good clean on Tuesday arvo, probably Air filter etc tomorrow


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Nothing really, rode it to work, back home and parked up in the shed.
    She deserves a rest after last weekend anyway :laugh:

    It got a good clean on Tuesday arvo, probably Air filter etc tomorrow

    If you get a decent bike Eagle you won’t need to rest it :huh:



    jim cady
    Trailboss wrote:
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Nothing really, rode it to work, back home and parked up in the shed.
    She deserves a rest after last weekend anyway :laugh:

    It got a good clean on Tuesday arvo, probably Air filter etc tomorrow

    If you get a decent bike Eagle you won’t need to rest it :huh:


    He mustn’t be home TB :laugh: :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    Oh I`m home alright :P

    Let me quote Mr TB on one of his posts from a while back ,,,,

    Re: KTM 690R , good allrounder?? 11 Nov 2010 23:09 #92415

    Quote ” I reckon the KTM690 is the best* around for all the disciplines your mate wants to do Nickj and that demo Sutto rode has some extras and sounds the shit for sure


    *As they dont make an XR650R anymore

    Trailboss” unquote

    So I reckon it is decent :P :P :P :laugh:

    Now BITE ME !!!!


    jim cady

    To funny,Eagle.

    Isnt it strange how human nature makes us defensive of our decisions re bike purchases :laugh:

    Even if we may have some regrets about a bikes performance capability we choose to defend it and ignore its shortcomings.

    Just to clarify not meaning you specifically :whistle: we all do it. 😆


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Oh I`m home alright :P

    Let me quote Mr TB on one of his posts from a while back ,,,,

    Re: KTM 690R , good allrounder?? 11 Nov 2010 23:09 #92415

    Quote ” I reckon the KTM690 is the best* around for all the disciplines your mate wants to do Nickj and that demo Sutto rode has some extras and sounds the shit for sure


    *As they dont make an XR650R anymore

    Trailboss” unquote

    So I reckon it is decent :P :P :P :laugh:

    Now BITE ME !!!!

    Hey beages when TB has finished with you can you come fishing with me next,,crikey you bite well… :woohoo:


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Oh I`m home alright :P

    Let me quote Mr TB on one of his posts from a while back ,,,,

    Re: KTM 690R , good allrounder?? 11 Nov 2010 23:09 #92415

    Quote ” I reckon the KTM690 is the best* around for all the disciplines your mate wants to do Nickj and that demo Sutto rode has some extras and sounds the shit for sure


    *As they dont make an XR650R anymore

    Trailboss” unquote

    So I reckon it is decent :P :P :P :laugh:

    Now BITE ME !!!!

    Lets get it clear here Eags that is my quote yes. To put it in its correct text the “disciplines” ChrisT wanted the bike for was single trail and the odd overnight ride. For that it was a great choice even more do helping a sponsor sell a good condition bike. If your quoting my text that’s how it fits the story. As an adventure bike they are shit, quote that :laugh: even more so if they need resting after a weekend cruise :laugh:
    Now lay off the burley and rest with your bike you sound like you need it ;) :P

    TB :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    All good, Resting,,, I am resting actually, had a nanna nap earlier rather than read this crap :P

    And as for you Boon,,,,,,,

    Can I borrow your Tutu ???? 😆

    :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:



    For a hundred buck donation its yours mate :laugh: :) :laugh:



    spose your bike still goes eagle unlike TBs i guese thats a bonus 😆


    white rocket wrote:
    spose your bike still goes unlike TBs i guese thats a bonus eagle

    Fishing Rocket? Mine is going fine, just dont use it unless I have to if you know what I mean ;)




    cool tb i don t use mine becuase i don t ride but that will change soon i hope reckon if i had a triumpth it would change sooner .so the yamaha is a goer now hay

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