What did you do to your bike today?

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This topic contains 732 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  alan 9 years, 6 months ago.

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    Mate its unreal out there, always a great time to be had out there !


    Removed the swingarm and regreased all bearings in it and the linkage. Removed shock for the on its way spring from TEKNIK (to fat for the standard one) Removed rear wheel bearings for replacement also.


    I did not do this today but lap 5 of the Transmoto on Sunday. I had a massive digger and was so pumped up on adrenaline I did not even notice how bent my front end was until Spud mentioned it looked crooked on the trailer on the way home :ohmy:




    craig evans

    ouch how much bent


    Nick Jackson

    I looked at my air filter after the Transmoto 12 hour and tried to decide if it was salvageable :D

    It was and the carbie boot was pristine , another tick for Motul air filter oil B)



    Richard W

    Have a policy here if your got a problem, fix it yourself. My daughters PW80 got a rear flat, she put it on the blocks and got the axel nut off but couldn’t get the axel out. Axel was rusted in but got it out. Usual problem in that the tyre wall had rubbed through the tube. She had a go so happy to fix it.



    brought some wheel bearings will put them in oneday


    Nick Jackson
    Dickie wrote:
    Have a policy here if your got a problem, fix it yourself. My daughters PW80 got a rear flat, she put it on the blocks and got the axel nut off but couldn’t get the axel out. Axel was rusted in but got it out. Usual problem in that the tyre wall had rubbed through the tube. She had a go so happy to fix it.

    Good lesson to learn their Dickie !!
    You’d be proud seeing her have a go mate B)




    New front tyre, wheel bearings, remount and adjust GPS holder in prep for the trip to Camerons Corner. Work on the back end next week.


    Richard W
    Nickj wrote:
    Dickie wrote:
    Have a policy here if your got a problem, fix it yourself. My daughters PW80 got a rear flat, she put it on the blocks and got the axel nut off but couldn’t get the axel out. Axel was rusted in but got it out. Usual problem in that the tyre wall had rubbed through the tube. She had a go so happy to fix it.

    Good lesson to learn their Dickie !!
    You’d be proud seeing her have a go mate B)


    Don’t get me started Nickj, the young bloke did an oil filter change on his CRF250 but squashed the seal when he put it back on. After a days ride and a major oil leak instead of taking it off and looking he just tightened the bolt a bit more when he seen the oil leak. Broken bolt hmmmmm.


    Nick Jackson
    Dickie wrote:
    Nickj wrote:
    Dickie wrote:
    Have a policy here if your got a problem, fix it yourself. My daughters PW80 got a rear flat, she put it on the blocks and got the axel nut off but couldn’t get the axel out. Axel was rusted in but got it out. Usual problem in that the tyre wall had rubbed through the tube. She had a go so happy to fix it.

    Good lesson to learn their Dickie !!
    You’d be proud seeing her have a go mate B)


    Don’t get me started Nickj, the young bloke did an oil filter change on his CRF250 but squashed the seal when he put it back on. After a days ride and a major oil leak instead of taking it off and looking he just tightened the bolt a bit more when he seen the oil leak. Broken bolt hmmmmm.

    Bugger :ohmy: at least they are having a go , and better to learn now while dad still foots the bill hey :D
    As long as they don’t stuff up the air filters , not that you need to on a Crf they love a regular valve change !!!! :P



    Richard W

    So how was your weekend Nickj , lol


    Nick Jackson
    Dickie wrote:
    So how was your weekend Nickj , lol

    One of my best ever Dickie , and no valve changes needed :D


    simon burke

    Paid $1600 to get my bike fixed :ohmy:
    picked it up.unloaded it at home.

    Rode it from the bike trailer to my garage (about 9 mtrs)
    Awesome ride :cheer: :cheer: ride report to come later :blink:

    Bol :woohoo:


    Testing it at Nundle this weekend Mate?

Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 745 total)

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