What did you do to your bike today?

Home Forums General Bike Talk What did you do to your bike today?

This topic contains 732 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  alan 9 years, 6 months ago.

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    More knocks than a door to door sales man


    craig evans

    fair answer mick just asking have a good weekend and GOOD MORNING

    Thrillseeker wrote:
    Machined up some new foot peg mounts (well the machind did) Changed the offset down 10mm for my long legs so hopfully l can crip the bike better. Will find out on Saturday.


    Time to program up some new foot pegs as these Honda ones are crap in the wet :S


    Nice job, Thrillseeker.
    Are you riding with Tim and CJ tomorrow?
    We are hoping to get up Coffs in June.
    Looks like I’m rostered off that weekend. :woohoo:


    Ben Guest

    Thanks Wolfie & Murph. I will make them out of Titanium ones l know they work ok.

    Yes l am riding with Tim & CJ tomorrow. The weather looks way better then last time so should be good. Tim is leading the way so we could end up riding / pushing / walking anything.

    Sweet about Coffs. Sounds like it will be a awesome weekend.


    Thrillseeker wrote:
    Hey STM

    Yep could sell a set no worries. They would come with pins and spacers also.
    I will give them a good test on Saturday on some tree stumps and rocks first.
    I think 15mm would fit ok.

    Lets see you them work first.


    That’s brilliant mate. If they are a goer let me know.



    Nick Jackson
    singletrackmind wrote:
    Thrillseeker wrote:
    Machined up some new foot peg mounts (well the machind did) Changed the offset down 10mm for my long legs so hopfully l can crip the bike better. Will find out on Saturday.


    Time to program up some new foot pegs as these Honda ones are crap in the wet :S


    Nice work mate!
    Do want to sell a pair of those and do you think you could get away with 15mm?


    +1 on the quality their Thrillseeker B)

    I’d be keen to buy a pair too if your going into production :)

    It would be great for us tall blokes to get a quality mount to balance between bar raisers and peg lower(ers) !!



    How did they perform, yesterday, mate??



    Rode mine 400kms, pulled up at Birdsville pub and drunk rums while I looked at it. It’s a Yamaha doesn’t need anything more ;)




    Since I own a Kato 530, :pinch: thats got about 300+ hours 😆 I have become a mechanic ;) I just did the bearings in swingarm & also the rear brake lever bearings.Next will be the fork seals but that will heve to wait for another day :P Always plenty to play with on the Katos :whistle:


    new chain and sprockets chainandsprockets002.jpg
    new wheel bearings front and rear

    storky wrote:
    new chain and sprockets chainandsprockets002.jpg
    new wheel bearings front and rear

    Nice one Storky.
    Those Supersprox are the business. The only problem is they last that long that your chain gives out before they do!



    chainandsprockets001.jpg Probably could have gotten a few more ks out of them but better to be safechainandsprockets004.jpg



    went got a 50 tooth sprocket to change the gearing down and a good clean and polished the clutch cover up now to go get it dirty and test the gearing



    huskybloke wrote:
    went got a 50 tooth sprocket to change the gearing down and a good clean and polished the clutch cover up now to go get it dirty and test the gearing


    GREEN with envy (or should that be Orange??) :pinch: :silly:


    craig evans

    stripped the husky 310 down as I was bored [ waiting on more fencing stuff to arrive which didn’t] , cleaned all connections put new spark plug in ,cleaned all grass seeds from under the fuel tank :blink: ,cleaned and replaced air filter , oil and filter change , fixed foot peg ,checked air pressures in tyres , lubed chain , sprockets all good , then spent nearly 2 hrs trying to put tank back on 👿 nothing wanted to go back into place , wife laughn from the safty of the kitchen window

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