What did you do to your bike today?

Home Forums General Bike Talk What did you do to your bike today?

This topic contains 732 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  alan 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #247996

    Trailboss wrote:
    … and fitted a new 606 on it for him (because he is gay :P )


    Not that there’s anything wrong with that Chuck!! ;)



    Yeah ,new wheel bearings,got blinkers n lights to work.
    Mounted a flash solid gear bag on the back,got it off sons old zoom scooter.
    Took hours but fits perfectly,was so proud, till I asked him were the keys were.
    They are on the key ring with bike keys,with whoever owns it now.

    Oh well,did look flash though.

    Bring on Friday I says.


    toes wrote:
    Yeah ,new wheel bearings,got blinkers n lights to work.
    Mounted a flash solid gear bag on the back,got it off sons old zoom scooter.
    Took hours but fits perfectly,was so proud, till I asked him were the keys were.
    They are on the key ring with bike keys,with whoever owns it now.

    Oh well,did look flash though.

    Bring on Friday I says.

    I have a tool for removing the rear wheel bearing retainer I will give you Toes for your XR mate. Will try to remember to pack it tomorrow

    Thats funny about the keys :laugh: :laugh:




    Cheers mate,

    toes wrote:
    Yeah ,new wheel bearings,got blinkers n lights to work.
    Mounted a flash solid gear bag on the back,got it off sons old zoom scooter.
    Took hours but fits perfectly,was so proud, till I asked him were the keys were.
    They are on the key ring with bike keys,with whoever owns it now.

    Oh well,did look flash though.

    Bring on Friday I says.

    We all know how much you enjoy Fridays Toes :laugh:



    Air Filter, Oil Filter, put the torque wrench over her, tensioned rear spokes, new back tyre, a new rear disc rotor on the way thanks to Jacko and a good clean and polish.
    Ready for this weekend :woohoo:





    checked and reset suspension clickers and front spring prelad they were all over the place it might handle now maybe.stm your bike looks to good to get dirty B)

    singletrackmind wrote:
    Air Filter, Oil Filter, put the torque wrench over her, tensioned rear spokes, new back tyre, a new rear disc rotor on the way thanks to Jacko and a good clean and polish.
    Ready for this weekend :woohoo:



    I say, Scotty, it does look perty. B)

    Another rear tyre on the 500 tomorrow. 👿
    May have to order another 6 or so from the States, still can’t get them around here. ;)


    Richard W

    While I was at it I thought I better check the bottom timing chain sprocket.
    Lucky I did as it had a major crack which caused it to jump and shear off the key.
    Just got to spend a bit of time now trying to figure out a way to get the sheared off key out of the shaft.



    You can usually drive them out with a small hammer and a centre punch Dickie.

    How was that thing still running ??? :whistle:


    Richard W
    Trailraider wrote:
    You can usually drive them out with a small hammer and a centre punch Dickie.

    How was that thing still running ??? :whistle:

    Good tip and it worked, better check the brakes while I’m working on her.




    Holy smoke I hope you scored that bike for free Dickie


    Richard W
    axel wrote:
    Holy smoke I hope you scored that bike for free Dickie

    Nah, bought it brand new. :)


    Mick D
    Dickie wrote:
    axel wrote:
    Holy smoke I hope you scored that bike for free Dickie

    Nah, bought it brand new. :)

    Reminder to self….don’t buy a 2nd hand bike off Dickie. :huh:


    Richard W
    micknmeld wrote:
    Dickie wrote:
    axel wrote:
    Holy smoke I hope you scored that bike for free Dickie

    Nah, bought it brand new. :)

    Reminder to self….don’t buy a 2nd hand bike off Dickie. :huh:

    New quad turns up tomorrow, more than welcome to make an offer on this one. :laugh:

Viewing 15 posts - 556 through 570 (of 745 total)

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