What did you do to your bike today?

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This topic contains 732 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  alan 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #248086

    Nick Jackson

    Put a new lower chain roller on the 250 and tested the whole new bearing’d linkage on some brand new home single track I only just cut in ,all went very well !!!! Then realised I was in shorts and tshirt battling lantana !! Aaaarrrrhhhhh :D



    You never notice until the shower afterwards hey Jacko.


    Dickie wrote:
    micknmeld wrote:
    Dickie wrote:
    axel wrote:
    Holy smoke I hope you scored that bike for free Dickie

    Nah, bought it brand new. :)

    Reminder to self….don’t buy a 2nd hand bike off Dickie. :huh:

    New quad turns up tomorrow, more than welcome to make an offer on this one. :laugh:

    Give Me $50 and I will get rid of it for you Dickie :laugh:



    Nick Jackson
    Nato wrote:
    You never notice until the shower afterwards hey Jacko.

    Don’t know mate ??? Pom , shower ??? :D


    Hahaha nice one. Would not be worse than the lowana rogue stick surely!!!


    Richard W
    Ollie wrote:
    Dickie wrote:
    micknmeld wrote:
    Dickie wrote:
    axel wrote:
    Holy smoke I hope you scored that bike for free Dickie

    Nah, bought it brand new. :)

    Reminder to self….don’t buy a 2nd hand bike off Dickie. :huh:

    New quad turns up tomorrow, more than welcome to make an offer on this one. :laugh:

    Give Me $50 and I will get rid of it for you Dickie :laugh:


    Is cash ok ?


    Dickie wrote:
    Ollie wrote:
    Dickie wrote:
    micknmeld wrote:
    Dickie wrote:
    axel wrote:
    Holy smoke I hope you scored that bike for free Dickie

    Nah, bought it brand new. :)

    Reminder to self….don’t buy a 2nd hand bike off Dickie. :huh:

    New quad turns up tomorrow, more than welcome to make an offer on this one. :laugh:

    Give Me $50 and I will get rid of it for you Dickie :laugh:


    Is cash ok ?

    I will take it for nothing or give you a dollar just so Ollie doesn’t get it ;) :laugh:




    Give you $5.
    And will pick up.
    Can you tell me a bit about it.


    Richard W
    toes wrote:
    Give you $5.
    And will pick up.
    Can you tell me a bit about it.

    Handlebars have 6″ of free play, front and rear wheels have 4-6″ of freeplay up and down and left to right. drive belt cuts in after 5 secs of revving. frame snapped in half but repaired but still articulates over ruff ground.
    Just knocked out the front wheel bearings ( not much damage from the oxy)

    honestly, its farked.



    Does the seat have any rips ,hows the tyres,does the tank have fuel in it.
    Regards toes


    Richard W
    toes wrote:
    Does the seat have any rips ,hows the tyres,does the tank have fuel in it.
    Regards toes

    Seat has been recovered but like new, new rear tyres, front ok, only ever premium in the tank.


    Richard W

    Well its been 4 weeks tomorrow since I ordered my Polaris parts from my local dealer. Better give them a ring and see if they are in yet, well shoot me dead, there ready to pick up, wow.
    I even asked him about the e-mail I sent him 10 days ago that was never responded too, seems he read it at least. :angry:



    Pulled down Hannah’s TTR 250 to grease the linkages to find 3 seized bearings the rest dry, ordered a complete suspension bearing (swing arm shock and linkage) kit from all balls SIX WEEKS ago, still nothing in the mail yet :pinch:

    Pulled the XR suspension bearing apart yesterday to a de-grease clean and regrease with only one dry bush after 12 months B) .

    Sent a mate (Brogan) off today on my XR so he can get a rack made up at Whipps for his XR400 to carry his saddle bags and Wolfman Roll Top Bag (which he thanks ADV moto for) on his around Aus trip, and we’ll start putting his XR back together on saturday after it all comes back from Probore :woohoo:

    Good times.



    Finally got around to washing the bike after the last two day nav ride :blush: :whistle:

    Went for a blat to clean out the cobwebs :woohoo:




Viewing 15 posts - 571 through 585 (of 745 total)

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