What did you do to your bike today?

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This topic contains 732 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  alan 9 years, 6 months ago.

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    just about to fit some new s12 tyres for lc4skins arctic ride and see what else is wrong with it


    Matt Baker

    S12s should get good traction in snow



    washed the snow off it from the weekend


    Dean Small

    Just fitted GYTR pipe 😆 braahuup



    tyres on dodgy chain guard fixed air cleaner checked and okay can not see anything else wrong.bikes ready for some arctic adventurers not sure about the rider but


    Nick Jackson
    smally wrote:
    Just fitted GYTR pipe 😆 braahuup

    Nice pipe mate , how’s she sound ??


    Dean Small

    Sounds phat nickj :silly: :P



    Dropped it off at Tekniks for some for a D&M with the magician himself.


    Robert Nash

    Update from the expectant daddy.

    Picked up my bits from Teknik, and all is not well. Nick sorted all the boingy bits. I had to find another machinist as Nick’s usual outsource is off for heart bypass. Hope all goes well for him, and back on board soon. Wish him well for me Nick.

    On the blower for a bit of the trip back up the coast, and split the job between two shops. They talk the talk, hope they walk the talk, Hypoformance at West Gosford for barrel, and Headworx at Nth Gosford for the top. NOthing too drastic, bore barrel and valve guides, valve seat and valve grind.

    What was a nice time frame rebuild, has slipped into a rush job. leant on the two shops and they are ‘keen’ to get em done for a weekend build, and Blue slip next week. Thursday departure.



    Robert Nash

    The ball is in my court now.

    Barrel bored by Hypoformance at West Gosford,

    head work done by Headworx at North Gosford

    Couple of doo-hickeys picked up from Worthingtons

    Carton from Dan murphy’s

    kids fed

    Wife has a DVD

    I’m off to the shed



    Gave her a quick oil & filter change, New front pads, New front sprocket and cleaned the air + pre filter.
    Now time for a little ride to see how the boots feel.



    Washed it.Bent foot pegs,radiator guards,bash plates,gear lever,rear brake pedal and hand guards back into shape after some knarly shizz yesterday,
    Good to go :laugh:



    New hand grips put on using a method i learnt using electrical tape and fuel in the grip.will be interesting to see how long they last. New light shroud after cows broke the other one. New Dunlop 952 110 on the rear. Should do air cleaner but the mechanics have it now for the week might drink beer and let jed do the rest.


    New springs in the clutch and a full detail and I am good to go for this weeks North Coast ride.



    Mike Wyeth

    New front and rear tyre, and a good service ready for Nick/Spuds north coast ride starting friday :woohoo:
    Good to go ;)

Viewing 15 posts - 706 through 720 (of 745 total)

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