What did you do to your bike today?

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This topic contains 732 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  alan 9 years, 6 months ago.

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    That’s strange I could unwind while the preload of the spring was against it :blink: I forgot to tighten mine once before the Hampton 100 weekend ride all weekend and all that happened was the lock nut vibrated to the top the main load carrying but hadn’t moved one mm when checked. Low rider XR :laugh:

    Preload is easy to do yourself next to a bench with a small cable tie, tape measure and a black marker




    Packing it (and the rest of the house) up to move to Kempsey … two more sleeps (feels weird leaving my Sydney house, met my new tenants yesterday, two Gay guys and their very quiet little Lesbian friend + cat …. they seem nice … as long as they pay the rent!)

    I hate moving, sucks MORE than any job could possibly suck! I’m exhausted AND I’ve got cardboard dermatitis!!


    Anyone know how to get these off?:


    Are they just double-sided tape? I hate them, remind me of the ones that were in my pushie spokes, with training wheels! :laugh:



    Yup double sided tape Razz. The glue on the tape can be a bitch to get of use thinners or likes. I have also been using this of late




    After three oil changes and the first 300km’s on my new CRF I fitted the hour meter and rego label. Those bar pads sure come in handy!
    And then I took it out and got it dirty B)



    razzle wrote:
    Packing it (and the rest of the house) up to move to Kempsey … two more sleeps (feels weird leaving my Sydney house, met my new tenants yesterday, two Gay guys and their very quiet little Lesbian friend + cat …. they seem nice … as long as they pay the rent!)

    I hate moving, sucks MORE than any job could possibly suck! I’m exhausted AND I’ve got cardboard dermatitis!!


    Anyone know how to get these off?:


    Are they just double-sided tape? I hate them, remind me of the ones that were in my pushie spokes, with training wheels! :laugh:

    try heating them with a hot air gun then slide some fishing line down the back like a garrott. ;)



    Matt Baker

    Just gave mine a wash and changed the oil ready for the weekend.

    I snapped off one of the bolts that holds the oil filter cover on, that is the second time in the last two oil changes, they are only little 8mm bolts and they must weaken with the heat of the engine and after going in and out so often (6020kms = a lot of oil changes :blink: )

    All the Berg and KTM owners out there just keep an eye on this. ;)



    changed the air filter, oiled the chain and whispered in its ear,..

    Bring on sunday…


    Peter Horn
    razzle wrote:
    Packing it (and the rest of the house) up to move to Kempsey … two more sleeps (feels weird leaving my Sydney house, met my new tenants yesterday, two Gay guys and their very quiet little Lesbian friend + cat …. they seem nice … as long as they pay the rent!)

    I hate moving, sucks MORE than any job could possibly suck! I’m exhausted AND I’ve got cardboard dermatitis!!


    Anyone know how to get these off?:


    Are they just double-sided tape? I hate them, remind me of the ones that were in my pushie spokes, with training wheels! :laugh:

    :pinch: l :

    Rocks and trees sorted mine out Razzle, about 2 rides from memory :whistle:

    singletrackmind wrote:
    After three oil changes and the first 300km’s on my new CRF I fitted the hour meter and rego label. Those bar pads sure come in handy!
    And then I took it out and got it dirty B)


    Mate a few quickies
    Why not just use the hour meter in the honda speedo?
    With all the extra bits Honda supplies did you think about going to the odometer Honda supply and flicking the flash one and did you do the electrical harness replacement or only the kill switch?
    I am still in awe of the grunt these things have particularly given the size of the load it has to carry.

    snowy09 wrote:
    Mate a few quickies
    Why not just use the hour meter in the honda speedo?
    With all the extra bits Honda supplies did you think about going to the odometer Honda supply and flicking the flash one and did you do the electrical harness replacement or only the kill switch?
    I am still in awe of the grunt these things have particularly given the size of the load it has to carry.

    Those Speedo’s do have a history of getting water logged so I want a reliable backup purely for service purpose.
    That old school odometer should be saved as a spare for any of your mates that ride XR’s :laugh:
    I am running the stock harness so if I do have to get it back to ADR trim quickly for some reason I can.
    You are right about the grunt. Get it in the sweet spot and they scream along. How many k’s you got on yours now?



    Steve Wyeth
    LC4skin wrote:
    Just gave mine a wash and changed the oil ready for the weekend.

    I snapped off one of the bolts that holds the oil filter cover on, that is the second time in the last two oil changes, they are only little 8mm bolts and they must weaken with the heat of the engine and after going in and out so often (6020kms = a lot of oil changes :blink: )

    All the Berg and KTM owners out there just keep an eye on this. ;)

    Are you over tightening it? It only needs to be nipped up as there is an o-ring that will take care of the seal. How many hours does it have now and have you adjusted the valves yet?


    Matt Baker

    Hardly tightening them all.

    175 hrs, had the valves checked at 150 hrs, still in spec.

    It is a little smokey, will probably need a new piston and rings before valves.



    10nm LC you He-Man

    Good idea Ollie. Might try that next time I have to pry DS tape off something.


    Matt Baker

    I’m not a goose I know how to tighten bolts.

    The bolts must have been faulty or over-stressed because the ones I replaced them with could be tightened heaps tighter if need be with no problems.



    just fitted my oversize (270mm) front brake disk to the crf front wheel. Probably put the suspension back on the Gasser tomorrow. Shed needs a massive clean out :blush:


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