what do you do for promotion in your company?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Trent 15 years, 6 months ago.

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    I know this guy that in order to gain a promotion in his company had to:

    Take part in a workplace examination,

    then travel into the city for another all-day examination,

    then travel intrastate to a ‘function centre’ to take part in a week long assessment process involving interviews, role plays, presentations and paperwork exercises.

    All this for a sub 80k p.a. position that’s not even middle management and for a chance to be promoted in July next year!!!

    My question is, is it normal for people to be jumping through so many hoops for promotion?



    Is it public service or a multi-national company?



    where does this employee end up after this hoop jumping and how much do they need the money,,No people, that are well off do not need to jump through hoops,,(they probably have already done that), but people that need money, and I mean need money are forced to hoop jump.



    There’s quite a few HR consultants around these days that seem to think that extensive and elaborate recruitment processes equate to rigorous and thorough screening. Working in construction its more normal to change jobs and locations to get a promotion which would be more inconvenient than jumping some hoops. Mind you the pay is generally better.



    It’s public service but I know a bloke who’s on more than $1M and overseas and got there by single interviews…I just wonder why?



    G,day Shane.

    The public service is like that. Especially when you wear a uniform. Every promotion in the Fire Brigade is preceded by external studies, exams, interviews and heaps more crap. Would be the same in your line of work.

    Even when a job classification changes there is crap. A lady I used to work with developing the computer aided dispatch system for the Fire Brigade (she did all the mapping) had to reapply for her job when it was re-classified to a bigger salary. She got the job again but what a waste of time for all the hopefuls who also applied for the job!

    It’s hard to get the sack from the Public Service unless you are stupid but you do have to put up with more than your share of crap.

    old al

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