What happened to Lotsa?

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This topic contains 12 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Wayne 12 years, 5 months ago.

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    I read Lotsa had come off and broken his collar bone and a rib or two on the Coffs thread. Thought would wish him well here and find out what happend :ohmy:

    So speedy recovery Lotsa ;)

    How did the the DR fair? And what happened, always a worry on the bigger bikes when you bin it speeds are higher and bikes are heavier :unsure:



    Dwayne O

    Sounds like it was a big one :whistle:
    CARTWHEELING a DR650 sounds pretty hectic !!!

    He mentioned elsewhere that the cases are smashed & possibly a writeoff :pinch:

    Get well soon Wayne , we will have a beer in your absence at Coffs :laugh:



    Thanks TB

    I was up the back behind Gavb and Tryhard and doing only 45kph

    The DR cased out on a big rock embedded in the ground, pulled the rock out of the ground, went under the back wheel and all things together cart wheeled the bike

    Pity I was on it at the time

    Did a forward summersault and landed on my side and broke collar bone and rib

    The bike frame was crushed under the bash plate and a big hole in the cases which let all the oil out.

    It was late in the arvo so Gavb doubled me to Raymond Terrace to fuel the bikes and some nice people going to Canberra gave me a lift to Tuggerah where my daughter drove me to Wyong hospital

    Oh, and a black eye when my wife found out I’ve busted myself up and written off a bike

    Bloody good ride over the Barrington’s that day, riding through snow


    simon burke

    Strewth Lotsa :ohmy:
    That sounds like something that i would do :blink:
    Bad news about the bike mate, :(
    Rum and panadol is the cure :)

    Bol :woohoo:


    Heal quick as ya can Lotsa
    Especially that black eye. :whistle: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Get well soon, mate
    Murph and Tim



    Bloody hell mate, at least talk it up a bit, double the 45kph to 90kph, say boulder not rock and mention airborn in there as well :laugh: :laugh:
    Heal quick Lotsa, looking forward to a ride soon mate.




    Not good Lotsa, get well mate!



    No good losta

    Hope you get well soon mate, maybe next year you make the Coffs ride.




    craig evans

    sorry to hear about the buster and bike report not good get well quick


    OMG Lotsa so sorry to hear about your acident. I hope you get back out there soon. Think of the positives….. You have some down time to work on the brownie points…..and time to sort out the bike. Hope the other half didn’t hurt you too much.



    Mick D

    Bad Luck there Lotsa, here’s hoping the recovery process goes well, for both you and the bike.


    Ian Kersley

    Thats no good at all Lotsa . Hope its a Speedy recovery . Its a bit HARD to duck and weave when injurded




    thank you for all your get well wishes

    pain management is being taken care of by codeine, coopers pale and wild turkey american honey

    ahhhh the serenity :)

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