What was your 3 best rides of 2012?

Home Forums Bull Pit for Members Only Bull Pit for Members Only What was your 3 best rides of 2012?

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    Nick Dole

    Any dates for the northen inland pony express series for 2013?



    Well after a few long years out of the saddle i have to say i am stoked to be back riding with the likes of the Old bulls!

    Having a crack at the Adv riding scene for the first time was a challenge in itself but me and the bike have made it through in one piece. Favourite 2012 rides include:

    1) TB’s 2-day Nav ride, teamed up with Eagle – great mix of tracks and a real physical ride – gave the Beema it’s first real workout (and was very impressed just quietly) :) ;)

    2) TK Ride – Excellent company all weekend with Strucky, PTW, TB. A good chance to meet some other old bulls and see first hand those freaks riding the 990’s etc!

    3) Just riding around the Watagans on occasions taking in the scenery and getting use to the Adv bike. Had some cracking early morning rides up there.

    I am sure that ther are many more to come and i am hoping to finally get out to
    Camerons Corner next year and am toying with the idea of signing up for the GS Safari.

    Teknik wrote:
    Any dates for the northen inland pony express series for 2013?

    not yet but if last years calander was anything to go by mid way through june should see that start of it, will keep my eyes peeled !



    first would be riding goanna tracks with huskybloke and the kids great family trip and loved the two mx tracks allso because i don t get to ride mx tracks much.second would be the lisdale chrissy trip led by ktm rules and organised by galey .3rd would be riding at bobs its great there done a few trips .my best ride for the year not with oldbulls would be sweeping the two day enduro at catumble wellington bloody great ride with free food and piss and got to ride a 012 ktm450 for a lap great bike


    Dwayne O
    Ace wrote:
    Well after a few long years out of the saddle i have to say i am stoked to be back riding with the likes of the Old bulls!

    Having a crack at the Adv riding scene for the first time was a challenge in itself but me and the bike have made it through in one piece. Favourite 2012 rides include:

    1) TB’s 2-day Nav ride, teamed up with Eagle – great mix of tracks and a real physical ride – gave the Beema it’s first real workout (and was very impressed just quietly) :) ;)

    2) TK Ride – Excellent company all weekend with Strucky, PTW, TB. A good chance to meet some other old bulls and see first hand those freaks riding the 990’s etc!

    3) Just riding around the Watagans on occasions taking in the scenery and getting use to the Adv bike. Had some cracking early morning rides up there.

    I am sure that ther are many more to come and i am hoping to finally get out to
    Camerons Corner next year and am toying with the idea of signing up for the GS Safari.

    Great times there Ace, it`s been good having you tagging along , sort of adds to the frivolities :laugh: :laugh:
    As mentioned on the 2 day ride,, you have my interest stirred in a trip to the Corner too now :whistle: but that GS BMW thing :sick: too many lattes in that one for me :P :cheer:

    Will be talking to you soon about the plans for June maybe ?????



    1) The Longest Day Ride 2012, Fast with maximum concentration for over 12.5hrs. Great personal acheivement, and such a great country we have to ride in. 2620km total

    2) 2 Day Nav ride, great company, great tracks, great blokes. 1200km total

    Equal 2nd)
    2 Day ride at Wauchope with Mick and Moose with grass track shinanigans!! Bloody Great Stuff of all types! :woohoo:

    Lefty B)


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Ace wrote:
    Well after a few long years out of the saddle i have to say i am stoked to be back riding with the likes of the Old bulls!

    Having a crack at the Adv riding scene for the first time was a challenge in itself but me and the bike have made it through in one piece. Favourite 2012 rides include:

    1) TB’s 2-day Nav ride, teamed up with Eagle – great mix of tracks and a real physical ride – gave the Beema it’s first real workout (and was very impressed just quietly) :) ;)

    2) TK Ride – Excellent company all weekend with Strucky, PTW, TB. A good chance to meet some other old bulls and see first hand those freaks riding the 990’s etc!

    3) Just riding around the Watagans on occasions taking in the scenery and getting use to the Adv bike. Had some cracking early morning rides up there.

    I am sure that ther are many more to come and i am hoping to finally get out to
    Camerons Corner next year and am toying with the idea of signing up for the GS Safari.

    Great times there Ace, it`s been good having you tagging along , sort of adds to the frivolities :laugh: :laugh:
    As mentioned on the 2 day ride,, you have my interest stirred in a trip to the Corner too now :whistle: but that GS BMW thing :sick: too many lattes in that one for me :P :cheer:

    Will be talking to you soon about the plans for June maybe ?????


    Eags, yeah really keen on the Corner ride. As much dirt as possible and maybe a 5 – 6 day round trip??

    I will have a chat to Strucky and yourself and see what dates suit best?

    I am sure the GS Safari is looking for a sacrificial bike for the bonfire – come along for the party with the orange beast!! :woohoo: :P



    1, coffs, conditions were great, love the mix of trails , the group went around great with no dramas & great ob get together.
    2, hills of gold, those pine single’s are a lot of fun, sure the open trails with out the dust would be cracking to, BBQ at the nursery – great feed & cool place. good laugh.

    3,Ktm bulls, flowing trails, fun grass track, hospitality, good session. :S

    Looking forward to trying some different rides in the new year. :)



    craig evans

    1-first ride on the new bike after not riding for nearly 20yrs
    2-pre run for the june xmas ride with galey and crew
    3-pre run lidsdale and lidsdale ride with galey
    4-any rides with the kids


    Aaron Wilde

    1. Just gotta be coffs. I think next time I’m taking a week off so I can ride every day plus spend some time with the family in a brilliant location. Highlight following STM. He showed me where to hook in through some tacky single. Very fun
    I did have 3 but for some reason only the first one comes up. I have cut and pasted them 3 times and have now given up.


    1. Micks Backyard Bash-Awesome weekend moose leading some great trails. grasstrack and beers with some great people.
    2. the first 1/2 hr coffs before i did my a/c joint.

    3 Spuds mistery tour to wooli and back. Great trails ,steep hills and amazing singles what more do you won’t on a ride.

    To pick 3 is so hard had so many great days on the bike with some awesome mates. What a life :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
    Bring on 2013


    Matt Baker

    I can’t remember :unsure: did too many good ones to pick. :woohoo:

    My first ever race at the Nowra 8hr was hard but fun.

    Plenty of good rides out at Bobs place.

    Short but fast local rides with my brother are always good.

    Bellingen in the wet (under water :laugh: ) and dry (dust WTF???)

    Plus all the big OBT events I attended, except the hangover is always the worst at these rides. :sick: :laugh:

    Its way more than 3 but who cares.


    Rock staring it to the Hattah was number 1 for me, the Katos, sand and fast riding was EPIC!

    2 Day nav ride was loads of fun and comes in number 2!

    The trip with the rock stars to Wauchope was loads of fun ( broken rib included), grass tracking and loads of chopie Loam comes in a close 3rd just beating Coffs!

    Looking forward to 2013, if I have a bike (both For sale if anyone is interested), till I see you, have a great New years and stay safe!


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