I have had one of those weeks. You know the ones. You get crook but can’t take time off work because if you do then firstly nothing gets done and then you get no money. Then things go wrong at work, usually things out of your control, like getting clear instructions from a client.
So you go to a doctor to get some drugs so that you can continue going to work, even though you don’t want to be there and are probably too crook to be there anyway. But the local doctor is booked up for two weeks, which means you can either wait till you are even sicker, or travel 50km to the next town and see a doctor there. So of course you bite the bullet and travel the 50km to the doctor, who decides that, even though you thought you were sick enough to make it worth while to miss a couple of hours of work to see a doctor, you’re not sick. So you ask for antibiotics anyway – hell you know a chest infection when you have one, right!? Lucky for him he decides there is no harm in prescribing them for you.
So then you get back into work, trying to kick some arse and get some crap done. But your hired help decides to have a brain holiday, which is where they show up but don’t think. Damn its difficult thinking for two people on the job. And then, of course, because it really is impossible to think for two people, they set up some equipment where it can get damaged – and it does. Which is a bastard, because its your equipment and now it is costing not only for the repair but the time lost while it is out of action. You can’t really sack him… but it comes close!
At this point you think your week is just about as screwed up as it can get. You poor silly bastard! Guess what!?! Your pregnant wife calls… got to go to the doctor. Oh crap, now what? Its OK though, the doc can sort it out and we can get back to our lives, right? Surely…
Two hours waiting around in the hospital trying to entertain a bored and tired 2yo girl later, you realise that this is not going to be sorted out tonight. The doctor still hasn’t shown and it looks like there is no chance of seeing him this evening. So you and your pregnant wife give up and go home. She is in pain but “the baby is OK” so the hospital are happy. Nice that.
Hence my question: What’s the world coming to? :huh:
I know for a fact that I’m not the only bloke who has had this week, I can name two close friends with very similar stories (bar the pregnant wife thing anyway!). :S
I think I need to ride more and work less. Maybe I have to increase my hourly rates! :laugh: