Who is the Old Bull crashing at Bathurst

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    Who is the Old Bull at the 3.29 mark spearing his car into the concrete wall, then jumping out with a broken ankle :ohmy: waving his arms in a little bitch fit :laugh: :laugh:

    Who is the stig :P





    Lefty. :)

    Ah the old Sprinter. Great car in it’s day.

    What happened Lefty? Have a PDS moment? :laugh:



    :( well that didnt last long. What was the give away was it he drives like he rides? was it the fact he was silly enough to jump out on his broken ankle? Or was it the Toyota connection? Or was it the fact the driver was 3ft nothing tall :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Well done Mal, he drilled the wall hard :ohmy:

    He was caught out on slicks and the team sent him around for another lap I believe :huh:




    It was a bit of the Toyota thing. Lefty is in the industry and what looks to be a 12 year old boy jumps out the car and throws a tanty. :laugh:

    Then 30sec on google and there it is.


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yes! Definately a PDS moment Mal.:huh: The only one that I have ever had though. :whistle: :whistle:

    Yes i was a little filthy about it all but you should have seen the tow truck driver just out of shot. He thought the car was going to land on him! :ohmy:

    You will notice now that in the following years they don’t have the openings in the concrete walls like that any more. Which is a good thing from a safety pont of view.


    Adam Rodgers

    Nice bit of parking there Lefty :P

    I can see why you moved over to rallying :laugh:

    Must have been a great experience though B)



    Nick Jackson

    Bloody hell Lefty !!! The adrenaline must have been pumping hard to jump on a broken ankle like that :ohmy:

    Last time I did that after a bike crash I turned a broken Tibula/ fibula into a compound !!!

    Very lucky mate ;)



    So that was you Lefty. I remember that crash well. I watched that Bathurst race on the telly back in ’92, all of it. Got a bit wet that year.
    The last of the Group A seasons and one of the last ATCC seasons. Definitely the last of the interesting Bathurst 1000 before they turned it into a redneck 2 horse race. I only watched maybe a handful since then, never been a V8 fan. I’m a Nissan Skyline fanatic and they were the glory days for us. The different brands and types of cars is what made it great to watch not to mention teams with small budgets could be part of the action. Hell I even thought racing Volvos around Bathurst was cool.
    Imagine AMA and MA etc ruling out most of the motorcycle manufacturers and only letting Honda and Yamaha race? Pure madness.
    Your a part of classic Australian motor racing history mate, well done!



    hit the nail on the head there axel after watching sleeping through the v8s on telly today its got nothing on the old setup racing was heeps more interesting


    Adrian Gale

    must have been an awesome experience Lefty. Those GTR’s must have passed you a few times and a fair bit quicker as well. Your crash was a highlight for years

    I was at the finish of that race and witnessed the Nissan pit crew sticking it into the crowd opposite the track when they were awarded the victory. Not sure what they did to get that reaction but the end result was alot of heckling and jeering towards Richards and Skaife on the podium. Maybe they thought Johnson/Bowe ,from memory ,should have been declared the winners.

    This is my version of why Jim Richards called me an asshole!

    Just my opinion.


    Yeah Galey that’s right! And shit those GTR’s were quick. :ohmy:

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