Why cant I get out of my own way sometimes

This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jason Green 15 years ago.

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    Ever been in the situation when something has gone pear shape for whatever reason and you so want to help / fix it but everything you do just makes it worse. Miscommunication, e mails, text are to easily misinterpreted (The problem with the written word) Try as you might everything makes it worse :(
    Finally after getting upset about it knowing you cant do shit and some super superhero advice you just drop it knowing things would have been better if you had done that and didn’t care in the first place :huh:

    Why try? Surely its not just me, why do we have to keep learning these lessons so late in life :angry: or am I just slow (dont answer that :laugh: )

    Of for a cold Bundy now Bundy will make better ;)




    sounds like you better have two bundys TB spose some people just can not be helped dont give up on everyone but



    Put those cans back TB and talk to someone you can trust. Sign Dr Phil.



    Have you noticed that the slower you get along the easier it is to get out of your own way? It’s the start of a vicious circle though. The slower you go the fatter you get, the fatter yu get the slower you go. The fatter you get the easier it is to see yourself earlier and get out of your own way even quicker and so it goes..

    How does that prayer go? Grant me the wisdom etc…?

    In any event, stop venting on the internets! You’ll use them all up! Go and hug the fridge, bundy fixes everything!

    (Yes it’s a wierd response, but I’ve spent the day ‘learning’ about logic gates…at 40 years old. I thought I’d used all my logic up. Bloody TAFE has just confirmed it. I’m off for a beer!)


    Mick D

    Dont worry TB, it isn’t just you.It appears that it was a day for it. Monday was gold, today was shit.



    You think you would have learnt a thing or two in the past 42 years!!
    The definition of true insanity is doing the same thing over and over again….and expecting a different result!

    People ___ ______!



    Dwayne O

    For what it`s worth,, F`d if I know why we do it mate :laugh: But we all do sooner or later!!!

    Think it is just a human nature thing, sometimes when all seems to be going well ya end up Eating Shit :P aint that right Mick!!!

    I have similar ups & downs on the Tennis court,,, on cloud nine & untouchable for 4 weeks straight, then get shot down in flames in less than an hour by a bottom ranked team :blink:
    Then following week we towel up the number 1 guys in an hour & a bit ;)
    Can`t work it out, so I just pull head in & go with the flow, not trying too hard is often better I think,,, :unsure:


    I saw him today at the reception
    In his glass was a bleeding man
    He was practiced at the art of deception
    Well I could tell by his blood-stained hands

    You can’t always get what you want
    You can’t always get what you want
    You can’t always get what you want

    But if you try sometimes you just might find
    You get what you need




    menace wrote:

    I saw him today at the reception
    In his glass was a bleeding man
    He was practiced at the art of deception
    Well I could tell by his blood-stained hands

    You can’t always get what you want
    You can’t always get what you want
    You can’t always get what you want

    But if you try sometimes you just might find
    You get what you need


    Well done mate that made me have a little chuckle


    Jason Green

    Hey TB chin up don’t feel down and too much Bundy will only make it worse mate sometimes you have to look at the big picture you can’t take back what has already been said or done and you can only learn from it try to be positive you are the backbone to the Old bull site :)

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