Wingello Done and Dusted

Home Forums Ride Reports Wingello Done and Dusted

This topic contains 14 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Peter Chadwick 13 years, 1 month ago.

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    Adam Rodgers

    We all met at the Sally’s Corner Servo, woke Sam up, had intros and a quick chat then headed into Wingello SF.

    We all got our respective acts together and were ready to ride on time. :)

    It was an informal ride trying to share the lead a bit to give everyone some time out of the dust ;)

    The Chad plodded along at the rear which gave us all time to chat and work out where to go.

    We flew along the twin tracks with a couple of hills thrown in :) and some how accidentally ended up on some of the singles that are there :woohoo: They were fun.

    Merv ended up puncturing his radiator hose :ohmy: but we managed to trim it and make it reach so all good. :)

    Then The Chad’s water pump decided to pump water out rather than to the radiators :pinch: so he and Merv headed back to camp whilst we continued to play and explore 😆

    Whilst we had lunch and Merv spotted he had a flat front so that gave us some entertainment to watch during lunch before we headed out again minus The Chad :(

    A bit more exploring and some more good singles :woohoo: and a few technical sections to test Teza :P

    Teza hit reserve and Merv started cramping up so they headed for camp leaving the rest to have a fast blat and more exploring :)

    It was an enjoyable day and thanks to LC4skin, Nath, Teza, Merv, The Chad and Sam for some good fun :woohoo:

    Catch you guys on another ride soon ;)

    Some vids and photos to come.



    craig evans

    sounded like fun if i had my bike i would of asked if i could have joined in


    Adam Rodgers
    wolfie wrote:
    sounded like fun if i had my bike i would of asked if i could have joined in


    Get your bike and tag along next time :)



    craig evans

    hoping it back in my shed tomorrow let me know of next outting and if i got it off ill be interested week day or weekend [ work for ourselves ]



    Well another top day out, and ride with with some cool OBT crew, thanks guyes,both those I’d riden with before and a couple of new “to me” faces Mat and Nath,great fun. Well use had me puffing a bit in those tight singles :P and the ol RMX wasn’t real happy in the real tight stuff but I had some fun in there :unsure: :laugh: as specialy the above mentioned tecnical bit :blush: a steep windey going around trees section that I managed to get most of the way up then got off line and hooked the rear up in a tree root :( Lets just say that forward progress was temerraraly holted and some profanities were heard coming from my general direction :)
    Back into some more singles but I must admit that I was feeling a bit nackerd after my little wresteling match with the RMX,,,so I dicided to have a bit off a lay down in the bracken ferns :ohmy: :laugh: Merv came along and seen a bit of bike sticking out of the ferns and me laying on my back :P :laugh: Thanks to Merv for helping me drag the RMX back to it’s feet,,,or was that me he was draging :laugh: It was a lot of fun,and I did need that little rest ;)
    Well riding with so many late mod bikes made it pretty clear to me that i’l be needing a new steed some time soon. Like being the only one with a kicker :( ,,,and sliding sidways down a steep incline only just hanging on when LC4skin went sailing past me in a stright line, making it look efortles,,,,must have been the Berg making it look easy ;) :laugh:
    Well I had a fun day so thanks to every one for the riding and the laughs,,and thanks to merv for a ride on yu bike mate.
    Till next time Cheers Teza.


    Adam Rodgers

    The crew on one of the hills


    One of the play hills


    Teza h


    The View




    Thanks for the day out it was fun plodding along at the back site seeing as I went along. thanks to Merv for hanging back with me until my expert water pump repairs let me down. I had a nice relaxing afternoon sitting in the shade reading a bike mag though!
    Nice to meet new faces thanks to all.


    Matt Baker

    Thanks for the ride everyone, some nice trails out there that I hadn’t ridden for a few years. Had a blast racing Nath and trying to race Sam through the tight stuff.

    Nice pics and vids. Those flies flying in front of the lens on the Chads camera look like huge aliens!


    simon burke

    Great report guys :cheer:
    Lots of fun by the look of it,top vids :cheer:

    You got some bloody big flys over there !!!!

    Bol :woohoo:


    Great report and vids guys.
    Looks like it was a good ride, I need to get down there some time.
    Pity about the Chad’s water pump though. :( If you need a hand to fix it right just give me a call mate. ;)



    Ian Kersley

    Great report and top vids .

    Those flies look like they need a landing strip




    Great ride report guys.

    Looks like a top spot to ride.

    How big is that fly in Chads video!!! :ohmy:


    Those flies where huge but at least they didn’t bite like the ones in the snowy mountains. There was lots of them as well!
    Lefty, thanks for the offer, Ill try & pull it apart again this week & see how I go.


    For any one who is interested here is some more video that Merv had of wingello. As you can see the flies loved hanging out with Merv as well.



    Yeh! those big flyes out there were kinda frendly as well :angry: ,I almost had one for lunch,on my sandwich :sick:

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