Wombat SF 8/1/11

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This topic contains 29 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Lee 14 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #99398

    what a pisser of a day :laugh:

    some memories…

    * getting Adminned by Aido for taking his carpark :P
    * shocking talc like white dust. ive never seen it so dry up there.
    * forgetting to turn down my dampner in the pine single and nearly eating a tree :dry:
    * the hookup of the new S12, amazing :)
    * Aidos laid back approach to the cornerman system 😆
    * losing Scott due to Aidos lack of cornerman implementation
    * which was Tims fault for splitting the group…
    * well, actually it was JAKs fault for being late :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    * the longest 4km in history. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    * watching the tracks slowly exhaust poor Scott, on his first OBT ride :ohmy: hope your moving alright today mate ;)
    * riding behind Damo on the berg and picking up a few tricks on standing in the tight stuff ;) you nail it mate :)
    * Aido and his gunshot wounds :(
    * Aido whinging about his gunshot wounds :) :woohoo:
    * me punching a copper! ;) :laugh: :laugh:
    * Jak trying to chat up one of the police :dry: :laugh: :laugh:
    * icy cold Corona’s at the Carrolls Lane emergency response centre (ie; carpark) :)
    * the look on the coppers face when i asked him if he wanted a beer…he nearly drooled :laugh: :laugh:
    * Aido and Jaks over the bars incidents :laugh: jumping off and rolling around on the ground seemed like the thing to do :laugh: :laugh:
    * roosting the shite out of their bikes and Aido trying to gangtackle me :laugh: :laugh:
    * the pub banter, the burger and the scotch were great…
    * the hairy man on the other table wasnt that great though :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    * Jak pulling up with a stick straight through his boot and casually saying “can we go back via the road”? :unsure:
    * peeling his boot off and finding the smallest of scratches :laugh: :laugh: (man, was i relieved though)
    * seeing the 4 foot deep bogholes dry! :ohmy:
    * Aido and his phone problems :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    it was a wicked day. :)



    I post up that i wont be there till 9 am. I,m there and geared up by ten past and ring aido, no worries their only about four k’s away. So I sits and have a durrie. An hour goes past before Aido and Tim arrive. Bit of a problem they says, we lost Scott, who is having his first ever ride in the bush. Menace and John rock up so a decision was made to send a search party. About fifteen minutes later we get a call to say Scott is back at the cars. Turns out a couple of other riders came across him and directed him back.

    Meself, Aido, Marty, Menace, Tim, John, arewethereyet and Scott regroup and its off straight to the Pub for lunch with every one enjoying their kiev’s, hamburgers and fish and chips. Aido even made the comment that he had just had one of the best alpha alpha sandwiches in his life. :woohoo:

    Back on the bike and a bit of racing started happening. I’m chasing Aido sitting right on his tail when we come to a 4WD rutted section. Aido takes the high side with me right behind him. Half way across Aido slips into the muddy rut and goes over the bars rolling. Mmmmmm think me, I’ll try and jump the rut to get around but ended up going in meself slaming into the back of Aido before doing me best Jackie Chan stunt roll i could muster. All good with no injury but Menace decided he wanted some of the action, so being the good bloke he is put his bike in front of our stricken bikes and gives em a good roost. Prick.

    Things got a bit worse for me up the track when a stick went through me boot and snapping off in it. I could feel it against me ankle but unfortunately because of another bike crash years ago i have no feeling on the top of me foot. I could feel pressure and when i tried to move me foot i couldn’t. V line back to the cars to inspect the damage. Like blood thirsty vultures everyone gathered round and after some discussion me boot was undone and i put me hand down in the boot to see what damage there was. Because of my superior athleticism and fitness it was found that the stick had just grazed me ankle but most were impressed by the amount of blood. :blush: :blush: :dry: :unsure:

    Check out the Wallaby who tried to attack me as i was riding one legged.

    Good to meet all the blokes again and a big thanks to Aido for once again stuffing a good day up.

    More vids to come.
    :woohoo: :blush:



    Ouch for the foot Jak, more vids would be good as I didn’t ride this weekend as I baby sat the Mayor all weekend :laugh:

    Thanks for posting your reports guys, Menaces bullet point report was a funny read :laugh:

    Hey VTB where is your report on your fancy I pad ( I got one :)



    Adrian Lee

    I will do my report tomorrow had a bad day with my daughter being sick :(



    Funny report Menace. :laugh:

    OUCH!!! Jak



    Thanks to all for a great day and great first ride with the OLD BULLS.

    Great Job AIDO, good effort getting the crew together for a top turnout for such a hot day.

    Great summary Menace, like a good movie trailer you got all the highlights, it was definitely a funny day. :silly:

    Sorry JAK for the wait mate, I added a few minutes myself when pointed out a track and taking off up a hill (Poor mance was buggered after going up and then down again after chasing me to nicely say “wrong way dikhed”) :blush: , all part of the mayhem of the morning run that you got to see unfold as we slowly re-grouped in the car park. :unsure: :)

    The second round of runs too and from the pub ran smooth, with corner system and sweep, and keeping that flow was great to keep cooler, it was actually not to bad in the forest but that powder dust Menace mentioned was full on.

    The Corona’s on ICE were liquid gold on a hot dusty day! Thanks Menace….. :cheer:

    Seen as your looking, the Berg’s might be a good next bike for you Aido!! the EFI means no manual choke mate, you know, that knob that makes hill climbs really hard :laugh:

    Looking forward to the next ride with the Bulls, Cheers guys.


    Mick D

    Good reports guys ( need some photos though) what’s the go with the coppers?? TB and I didn’t ride this weekend so we need to see some pics. ( I had to hold TB’s hand in Jenolan caves, he is scared of the dark you know ;) )



    The cops were on a education trip and just cruising the carparks. Because of a recent report about over 30’s making up a high percentage of TAC claims they were checking our safety gear. They were good about it and in for a chat.

    Unfortunatly did’nt get any of the stacks but got the aftermath of a certain Spider picking himself up off the ground. :laugh:



    These are the only pics i got of the day.

    Aido trying to explain the corner man system to Arewethereyet. And as usual no-ones listening to him. :laugh: :laugh:





    Mick D

    JAK wrote:

    These are the only pics i got of the day.

    Aido trying to explain the corner man system to Arewethereyet. And as usual no-ones listening to him. :laugh: :laugh:


    Aido certainly cuts a dashing figure in that new ride gear. Did santa bring it for him or is it just grafitti on him after his sleep on the mono rail?



    JAK wrote:

    These are the only pics i got of the day.

    Aido trying to explain the corner man system to Arewethereyet. And as usual no-ones listening to him. :laugh: :laugh:


    I could not look at Aido, his riding gear messed with my eyes, I think its some form of camouflage, just not sure where it works best yet? :woohoo:

    Cheers, Damo…



    One of these days I will get to a ride at Wombat but I’m glad I didn’t after seeing what Aido was wearing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Nice reports there Menace and co
    The pics at the carpark shows how dry it is ;)
    Yuk, I hate dust.
    Badbowie described some open sections of our tracks as “like riding on tennis court shit” so we do really love it when it rains
    Was the white powder, dust slippery?? When its dry here its like riding on marbles :angry:


    nice vids JAK :)
    thanks for pointing out my only accident for the day :laugh: :laugh:
    it was a “my legs arent long enough at this angle” moment :laugh: :laugh:

    i nearly took Aido out in my stumblings too :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    micknmeld wrote:

    or is it just grafitti on him after his sleep on the mono rail?

    thats gold Mick :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    that white powder isnt really slippery Murph when its dry but turns to half an inch of slop on white hard pack clay that is like ice when its wet 😆
    ive found myself trying to overtake myself a few times up there :laugh: :laugh:
    we have the tennis court marbles here too further east. less traction than socks on a dancefloor :laugh:


    Adrian Lee

    micknmeld wrote:

    JAK wrote:

    These are the only pics i got of the day.

    Aido trying to explain the corner man system to Arewethereyet. And as usual no-ones listening to him. :laugh: :laugh:


    Aido certainly cuts a dashing figure in that new ride gear. Did santa bring it for him or is it just grafitti on him after his sleep on the mono rail?

    Well the lot of you can go and get stuffed :laugh:

    I must admit that upon ariving home saturday arvo i was a bit down :(

    i dont know if it had anything to do with the mishaps early on in the ride

    or seeing the mother inlaws car in my driveway :laugh:

    I dont think i can add much more than the boys have allready posted but i must

    admit to something the boys have kindly not touched on. for the first fifteen or

    so minutes i was riding with my choke on :blush: We came to the first challenge of the day,

    a roughly 100 metre climb and i thought i would lead the way. I had noticed the bike

    spluttering a bit but thought i just needed to blow the cobwebs out, i hit the climb

    as hard as i could and made it about a third of the way up before bike had enough and just

    stopped. the rest of the boys went past and most made it up quite easily. i restarted the

    bike and wrestled it about 10 metres from the top before i cracked the shits dropped it,

    swore at it and then did the walk of shame. Thanks John for bringing it up to me.

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