Wr Clutch Mod

Home Forums Yamaha Bikes Yamaha Bikes Wr Clutch Mod

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Evan 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    Recently while complaining to Mike about how ridiculously heavy Wr clutches are he told me about an old trials trick of extending the push lever that the cable hooks onto, I had it lengthened about 10ml and now with my existing “Ballards easy pull lever”it is lighter than some hydraulic ones, it is a little bit different to use but not in a bad way, only ridden with it twice but I think I might like it better, and its cheaper and easier to fix than a hydraulic.
    Lever and mod under $150
    Why the fuck Yamaha don’t do this or something else to make them useable with one finger I don’t understand they’ve just gone broke and shut up shop in Coffs


    Adam depaiva

    Yamaha took the dealership from Canberra’s Joes Motorcycles and have no prospective replacement.
    I tried that lever and it felt somewhat lighter but had a different take up feeling that I didn’t much warm to?!


    Just wondering, Ev.
    Does the lever now travel further to engage and disengage the clutch?
    Sounds like if you can get used to the change it would be a good mod
    One and two finger clutch use is very beneficial.

    Our local Yamaha dealer who has been in Toronto for well over thirty years has gone from blue to green. Don’t know the politics behind the change


    I have felt the mod on Evs bike and it is very similar in feel to my Magura hydraulic clutch. I didn’t give it a try for feeling of how it engages and releases.



    The extension means you pull it further but it just feels like you have more clutch to use wich so far im liking, ive been using one finger with the ballards lever for years but get sore tendons the extension makes it lighter than the Berg 300 I rode on the weekend.


    Mike Wyeth

    Nice work Ev, I’m glad you’ve done it and like it just remember the other thing about keeping your cable lubed up, disconnect the cable from the lever and make a small cup around the top with plasticine and fill it with wd40 then let it drain through, do that a couple of times then it should be good for a while.:)
    It’s all a pain in the ass but it does help!!

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