WTF Boony gets a ADV bike???

Home Forums Bull Pit for Members Only Bull Pit for Members Only WTF Boony gets a ADV bike???

This topic contains 20 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Alan Roots 11 years, 6 months ago.

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    simon burke

    All the best with the recovery fish old boy ;)
    Great catching up with Boulder the other night
    just a shame it was under those circumstances :(
    I nearly got to ride a 990…so close :P
    Just as well I didn’t, as I probably would have ended up
    In the hospital bed next to fish :laugh:
    Bol :woohoo:


    Adam Rodgers

    Sorry to hear about your demise Fish :(

    I miss chasing you and Boulder round on the DRZ’s B)

    But I’m not old enough yet to chase you round on adventure bikes :P

    Hope you heal up quickly ;)



    boulder wrote:
    I dont think his broken the big Kato in yet it still has a mindset of a wild stallion and maybe he will have to get it in a yard and ride it around and around until it realises his the BOSS!! Maybe then it will let him stay in the saddle.

    Im thinking the mighty fish was maybe yelling at the stallion when he maybe should have been whispering to it :ohmy:

    Hope your op goes well Fish and a speedy recovery mate.



    Fish has had the op and all went well, he is coming home today.


    Great news Boulder !!

    Please wish him all the best on a speedy recovery ;)

    I may have to get one of those new breathing apparatus tubes that Fish is wearing……. It may help me wrestle the 640 around the forests :whistle: :laugh: :laugh:

    Left B)


    Alan Roots

    Tell Clive I’ve been sending positive thoughts his way Brendan , that should fix him up :whistle:

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