WTF ? Sidecar Motocross !!!!

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mark Bunting 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    Nick Jackson


    Adrian Lee

    Now thats just mad

    I think evil rudy would even struggle to do the suspension on those things :laugh:



    You’d sure need a lot of hart and a bit of faith in the rider:unsure: to be a swinger on on of those rigs:S :woohoo:


    Mick D

    That is rediculously crazy stuff.


    Bruce Curtis

    any old open class Motocrosser will do, an alpha II, KX45o-500, rm500 KTM550 turn it into an outfit, go to the nearest mental outpatients clinic, choose the most ADHD afflicted looking bloke there, buy him a helmet, and there you have it… world class sidecar team.

    Been the domain of the truly insane for decades, and then they flattrack them with up to 1300cc multis……:pinch:


    Nick Jackson
    Mr Blue wrote:
    any old open class Motocrosser will do, an alpha II, KX45o-500, rm500 KTM550 turn it into an outfit, go to the nearest mental outpatients clinic, choose the most ADHD afflicted looking bloke there, buy him a helmet, and there you have it… world class sidecar team.

    Been the domain of the truly insane for decades, and then they flattrack them with up to 1300cc multis……:pinch:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: thats funny !

    Nickj wrote:
    Mr Blue wrote:
    Been the domain of the truly insane for decades, and then they flattrack them with up to 1300cc multis……:pinch:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: thats funny !

    Couple of my mates were a side car team many years ago, they did the MX and flat track.


    Mark Bunting

    I remember watching them as a kid and thought they were crazy.

    I still do :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Kram B)


    That is some crazy stuff. Great spectator sport

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