XL 500S

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Eric Smith 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #104082

    Nick Dole

    I may have just bought an 81 XL500S for some vintage flat track. It’s very original and my be a one race wonder if i hate it. I’ll retire it to the lounge room in that case.
    Does anyone know of a 23 inch tyre? Dammed if I can find one, can’t be arsed converting it to a 21, that involves WORK and I have too much of that already



    Hi Nick

    I bought an XL500S brand new in about 1981. It was certainly up there with one of the worst handling motor cycles I have ever owned ( and I have had more than 25 dirt bikes) due to the difficulty in obtaining a decent 23″ knobby front tyre then (now time it will be a real challenge). The stock road/trail tyre was hopeless on fast gravel roads – constantly understeering and very difficult to slide around fast corners and when I fitted a knobby it wasn’t a heap better. I also had one of the 1st XR 500R’s at the same time and all though it was a bit of a pig by modern day bikes – it was heaps better than the XL500S at cornering.

    My suggestion is to bite the bullet and get or re-spoke a 21″ wheel.


    Rory Rock

    I’m sure i saw a 23″ inch trail tyre come through our parts dept the other day, it would probably be ok for flat track unless you are hoping to win aussie titles on the old girl. Email Shaun on parts@rockmotorcycles.com.au and ask him as he will probably remember it. I think it was actually sent to us by mistake (was for the other shop in town).


    Nick Dole

    Project has come to a halt, the “excellent running condition” engine is a smoker, big time. No air filter. My fault, I bought it off a mate and trusted his assurances.
    No time to put a top end in it before the day. I may have a ceremonial car park bonfire.


    Eric Smith
    Teknik wrote:
    … I may have a ceremonial car park bonfire.

    Pics or it didn’t happen!! :woohoo:

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