you guys are my saving grace

This topic contains 17 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Dean 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #253984


    Keep your chin up Wolfie. A lot of people are hanging in there for both you and Rach. As long as there is hope (and good drugs) there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. Be strong for your Kids your wife your family your friends,but most of all be strong for yourself.




    Gees Craig,thats a basted of a thing to have to deal with,agree with all above,don’t let the stress of it get on top of you mate,do what ever you need to do to lessen it. No need to tough it out alone. You are a top bloke and the world needs more like you,,not less,,so look after your self so you can be around for your famely in the long run,thats what counts.
    All the best to yu buddy.
    Cheers Teza.


    craig evans

    thanks for all the well wishes guys, iv been managing and not many knew how bad iv been or was , its proberly a shock to some as I don’t stop and show any signs, [ except when I ride :laugh: ], it was just a bad week at the doctors and then a very bad day with news I didn’t want to hear and it just got to me, iv struggled with my back for 20 odd yrs , I was told I would never walk again but after about 12 months I managed to walk out of hospital , iv got the will power but sometimes it just takes it toll, im cool guys

    THANX EVERYBODY see you on the tracks soon

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