Dwayne O

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  • in reply to: New/OLD BULL #112017

    Dwayne O

    Yeah Welcoma aboard Man,
    Another north coaster to prop up Micks crew, HA HA
    Are ya comin down to the Xmas Party ????

    in reply to: KLX Bashplates #111194

    Dwayne O

    Chris wrote “Hey Eagle if your not too far away, might be able to tee up to take a mould off the B&B Bashplate.”

    Thanks for the offer Chris,
    But that would not be a good thing to do(Legally), Besides I am too far away & have already formed up the mould this week ( took about 3 hours actually)
    Ready to do the layup next week when I buy the resin etc
    Looking ok at the moment too, maybe not gonna be as strong as Alloy, but for the price I am definitely giving it a go. Carbon is strong shit just the same !!!
    Enjoyable to make own stuff too :) :)

    in reply to: Another chick on board #112040

    Dwayne O

    Welcome aboard Tiny`s Biarch,
    Ha Ha , what a logon name !!!! Tiny was that your idea ?????
    Seriously, welcome to Ob`s hope you get a bike soon & get amongst it:) Racy Tracey will be pleased, I`m sure, another possible ride partner :) :)

    in reply to: Guessing competition #111938

    Dwayne O

    I reckon 110, stuff it if I don`t win I`m gonna buy one anyway HA HA
    Nice stubbie holders BTW boys,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    in reply to: hello fellow trailriders #111848

    Dwayne O

    Welcome Husky,
    Heard about you guys (Trailmates) the other day from Al @ The Wreckery. Sounds like u guys know how to have fun out there too !!!!
    See ya on the trails mate:)

    in reply to: KLX Bashplates #111193

    Dwayne O

    Got bored at work today,
    Started thinking of a custom Bashplate, composite (maybe Carbon Fibre):unsure:
    Started working on forming a mould this arvo when I got home, reckon it`s achievable:) Used Forex plastic panel, heated with heat gun to shape, glued together with Araldite.
    I will go ahead if I can get the carbon (working on it, scrounging at work for scraps, he he)
    Any of you guys seen composite plates around ???
    I will attempt to have it done for the Xmas Party

    in reply to: 2008 Christmas party chit chat, ideas #106349

    Dwayne O

    Do any of you guys do Dampers in the camp oven, I have 2 camp ovens but am shit at the damper HA HA Maybe marshmallows will be easier :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    in reply to: Ollie new Ride 07 Gasser #111650

    Dwayne O

    I hope u didn`t scare poor Kempy off !!!!! Another KLX rider I notice.
    Poor bastard, hope I don`t suffer the same fate with you guys :ohmy: :unsure:
    I have heavy duty leco conduit wrapped around my hoses to help in the puncture situation, Don`t plan to test it,,,, Bashplate will be a while off, but I am working on it as we speak,,,,,
    Can`t wait for the report on the Gasser too, bring it on Gili

    in reply to: Hello from Moto, 6 months in a leaking boat #111674

    Dwayne O

    Christ it`s been quiet without Moto around,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    Reckon the number of posts per day have been taking a massive beating down HA HA
    Do ya think he will make up for lost time when he returns ???????? That`s a scary thought :blink: :blink:

    in reply to: Old Bull Project DRZ400 #111686

    Dwayne O

    I almost bought a DRZ too, the rego costs put me off & I stuck to the 250.
    Good to see a project unfold like this, Can`t wait to see it in the scrub :)

    in reply to: Changing Front Sprocket #111628

    Dwayne O

    HA HA HA,
    It is a PIA job, but I did it easily in the end with a large driver jammed under swingarm to lock everthing up.
    Even got a socket to keep from the father in law that fits, as he had two:)
    Anyhow as I said in otehr post , thanks to the guys on this forum cause I would have dicked around for ages without their input :) :) :)

    in reply to: Gearing question ??? #110370

    Dwayne O

    No Can Do Ollie, Thanks anyway for the invite,
    I have 2 cars to service/clean tomorrow , may fit in a half hour road run after lunch if the weather holds up.
    Have a good day boys :)

    in reply to: Gearing question ??? #110369

    Dwayne O

    Job is Done ,,,,,, Thanks to Mekon`s advice, a real piece of piss job really:blush: Stupid Me
    Reckon I will now sample 2T at a time on the rear to perk it up some more.
    Test ride tomorrow, I hope, rain permitting, I JUST CLEANED THE THING TODAY while stuffing around :)

    in reply to: 2008 Christmas party chit chat, ideas #106346

    Dwayne O

    Bring em on TB
    Great Work Guys, should be real popular:)

    in reply to: Gearing question ??? #110368

    Dwayne O

    NICE NICE Ollie,
    Sounds like a sweet machine, I am green with envy man :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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