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Hey Old Girl, What Trials course are you doing?
BTW there are some nice happy home maker equipment in the background of your photo there. 😆
Great stories guys and fantastic photos. :woohoo: :woohoo: Thanks for sharing such and epic adventure.
The bike just look awesome all loaded and ready for adventure!!!!
Flying Fish
Hey Old Girl,
Great videos they were LOL for sure :woohoo: :laugh: . It looks like you did really well, good on you.
I took a heap of footage from MickP’s birthday ride which was very reveling about what I thought of the ride and some of the down hills. Trust me it’s not for general viewing!! I always new I could swear with the best of them, but even I was surprised about what I said.
It flipped from encouraging myself (in a very positive and weird way) to cussing like a sailor!!!
I will have to try the singing method, thats gold!!
Well done everybody and thanks for the footage.
chris72a wrote:Ok Guys and Gals we are on 1913 members, let’s see if we can get to 2000 before the birthday ride, so if you know anyone that hasn’t signed up yet or that you can refer, get onto it, I’m sure there’s a competition/prize here somewhere just haven’t thought of anything any ideas?Cheers
Chris.The 2 day Nav ride has certainly helped. Quite a few have joined up for that. I would take a guess at about 10 new, just so they can register for the ride.
Joining OBT was just about the best thing I have done in the last few years….
Great pictures guys.
It’s really awesome that the two teams have joined up at the corner………i hope the OBT sticker I put on the old Bowser is still there. Also from memory they do an OK burger…..or perhaps I was just hungry…but all the same it’s was cool to be at the corner.
Again top work team, stay safe and have fun.
TB said a section of today was the best hour or so of riding he has done and he was ‘at one’ with his bike today. He rambled on about the suspension on his bike was just perfect ( well done Nick).
I’m sure many drinks are being downed and the Emu’s and pigs are getting bigger by the hour. Again well done guy’s you deserve it.
King Bollocks…..All Hail the King and congrats on 2k.
Here are some stats if anybody is interested.
Simon Burke
Joined OBT on 5 May 2009…….so Boll it took you just over 4 years to get to 2k…….I would have thought you dribbled on quicker than that. At this rate it will be 2015 by the time you get to 3k.You have received 5 official Thankyou’s in that time……….but countless unofficial Thankyou’s for all your great work for OBT.
3390 people have viewed your profile, including me twice tonight to get this information. Who’da thought you were so popular????
You reside in Tamworth…… :sick: :S :dry: :laugh: :unsure: :ohmy: :pinch: :silly: :blink: :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo:
You constantly rummage through peoples shed…..all in the name of your job :whistle: , apparently a stock n station agent (or auctioneer, as the young kids call it these days) looking for old bikes.
And most importantly you were vote the KING last year. :woohoo: :silly:
Well done Boll on 2k, see you at the Birthday Ride.
Flying Fish
Hi Paul,
Welcome to OBT.
I hope the bling for the 1200 arrives soon especially the knobbies so you can get that thing onto the dirt.
I am also part of the BMW (latte machine) riding fraternity. I have a F800 and I was also on the SA safari. I also went last years on the North coast.
Hope to see you on the tracks soon.
Flying Fish
This thread is moving faster than TB on his way to a bar for a Bundy after a long day on the bike!!!
After a busy weekend and I’ve fallen behind in the events. Between Lefty and Eags it’s all covered though!!. Top work guys on keeping the home fires burning. :silly:
It certainly seems the action has been thick and fast…….much like the wild life eh guys :ohmy: . Emu’s for team one and pigs for team 2.
The Emu I get, but a pig…that’s a new one :blink: ……I guess that’s why they call this the lucky country. If you’re not being chased by an oversized chook (and without a doubt the dumbest bird on earth), a scourge of our native country tries to take you out. :pinch:
Top work teams for reaching your respective destinations in one piece. And awesome pics!!
I hope all the ADV guys get the help they need and are OK.
OK, The woodduck, the Wulf and Hoppy have arrived safe in some small town…Eulo or something :blink:
Apparently the wildlife on the road was intense, but they are all safe and either at the pub or heading there.
They went to Cunnamulla for fuel and back to Eulo??Tomorrow they are off to Quilpi and beyond…..??
FFEAGLE`02 wrote:We`re on the case as far as lookouts go FF
Another good part of being an OLD BULL, You can always count on guys to be watchin` out for ya !!!Last time I did it was watchin` you & Kat on the APC (especially Krazy Kats mad dash in the dark to Renmark) :blink: :laugh:
Team Oldbull…the best team going!! :laugh: :woohoo: :woohoo:
It was awesome to know the support behind us on our journey. Your the best Eags
Its cool to be watching this team now.
EAGLE`02 wrote::laugh: :laugh:
Well done Amy,,,,
I like you comment at the bottomI pasted it & blew it up in Word :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I have had news from ACE & Struck,, all went well, awsome terrain for riding was the call
They are madly setting up camp in the dark ready for a beer (or ten) :laugh:Cheers
Only you would figure out to do that Eags…….I din’t mean it to be so small. Thanks for checking it out.
That good (official) news about Ace and Strucky
So much has happened already and it’s only day 1. I’ll be exhausted by the end of the ride. :laugh:
I also didn’t know that watching 3 Spots throughout the day would be so involved (in a good way that is), there is a good chance that my work productivity over this ride may suffer a little. :whistle:
For anybody that has just joined us, here is a quick recap of the rides adventures so far.
Team one – Crash, TB and PTW
Three (possibly smelly) guys hit the road in a dubious truck and headed west. Two of them were very drunk before getting through the Hunter.
A strip tease (of sorts) was performed for all at a service station by a bare-chested Crash, complete with a face full of what appears to be Pizza. (Sorry ladies, I think he’s taken!).
PTW was the first of the flock to hit trouble with a flat tire. Word on the street is that this was a staged event so he could have a road side break and build the drama for the views at home.
TB’s Spot tracker had a small hiccup and took a while to catch up (much like his normal mental state). No real drama’s there.
The planned fuel stop had no fuel, so the three guys (almost definitely smelly by this stage :sick: ) pushed on and as a consequence TB ran outta fuel. Or was it that he was a little heavy handed on the throttle?? Will we ever know the truth??
Team Two – Ace and Strucky
Great progress made early, until an AWAL mobile phone caused a longish stopover in Tamworth. But thankfully they got outta there before the locals made their move. Actually I’m surprise the King didn’t come to their rescue, he mustn’t have known they were there. :ohmy:
Ace has been asked to put his bike over truck weigh bridges several times which probably slowed progress.
A final push has seen them get to Narrabri, hopefully safe n sound for a well deserved beer. :woohoo:
In the next episode…..
Will TB continue to run out of fuel and make excuses for it?
Can PTW’s comedic styling’s keep him from being eaten?
Can Crash keep his shirt on?
Will Ace’s lift raft inflate when needed?
Is Strucky back in the world of technology?
Will the two teams meet up at the required time?
Can I keep the bullshit up for the whole ride? 😆 :blink:Stay tuned for more adventures tomorrow…….or make comment on it all tonight……the choice is yours.
None of the information expressed here has any truth to it or bares the endorsement of the riders. In fact most of it is made-up and fact less for your enjoyment.FF
Lefty wrote:Ace wrote:All good here but poor Strucky lost his mobile somewhere between Gloucester and Tamworth :blush:He is sorting it now in Tamworth and we should be heading off shortly to Narrabri.
Might mean we go in under the cover of darkness but all good.
Top day for a ride.
Yeah I’ve been keeping an eye on you blokes and its good to see that you gaot to Tamworth OK
Ride safe gents
It looks like TB, Crash and PTW are getting close to Hungerford. Actually Crash’s spot has just made it to Hungerford but TB,s indicates he is still a fair wat out :huh: I hope that all is ok. :unsure:
LeftyIt kinda looks like TB’s spot has stopped tracking rather than saying he’s still back on the track. I wonder if its just turned off for some reason or perhaps outta batteries. I know they have a habit of just turning themselves off for no real reason. I saw it happen heaps on the APC.
Top job team for getting to QLD boarder…….aaahhh QLD the great state it is.
Top Job Eags,
I had TB’s spot but not Ace and Strucky’s.
What a bugger having a flat so early in the ride :pinch:
Hi Gaz640,
Welcome to OBT. The HV has great riding and wonderful people as well :woohoo: :woohoo: :whistle:
I Look forward to meeting you in June. I have a few mates around the Valley that are always out riding so if you need trail advice or a ride to hook onto just let us know and I’m sure we can help, alternatively you might have some trails that we haven’t seen. :laugh: :woohoo:
Flying Fish