Forum Replies Created
Micknmeld, You know what I know! Read it on an ABC news site.
Vorboy, Maybe you should have used scotch filet as bait?
shane_vor wrote:
Quote:Menindee to White Cliffs is nice as are the rest to Hillston.Menindee to Ivanhoe perhaps?
Cops at Indee pulled a brother out of the Copi to Menindee Lake interconnecting channel recently… lets just say he’s no longer an oxygen thief!
Nice trailer, looks bigger than your truck! Your truck must be lower than my 80 was as it towed flat. Never to worry…[/quote]
Being a 4X4 trailer your tow ball should be around the other way on the hitch tongue..[/quote]There is no tow ball!
It’s a Treg coupling… I could put the springs under the axle, but I couldn’t be bothered…:dry:
shane_vor wrote:
Quote:[img size=150][/img]Nice trailer, looks bigger than your truck! Your truck must be lower than my 80 was as it towed flat. Never to worry…
Same road different time and place
Ivanhoe/Menindee Road in good times…
Basically dirt roads of varying standards, dependng on weather and the last time the Central Darling Shire ran a blade over it or in the unincorporated area the RTA.
Bulldust, creek crossings, if it rains you are screwed can’t ride on the stuff as it is like ice.
I think the Wilcannia >> White Cliffs is tar as they wanted “all weather” access/egress as for rest all dirt excepting the short transports to connect the dirt.
Tar is for double mocca, chocca, latte sipping gaylord road bike riders, not that there is anything wrong with that:woohoo: . But they won’t be sharing my swag!!:angry:
From Menindee Road travel (NE) along the railway line until you get to point A marked on the map (if you are doing a recce you could check this section out as I used to go via the tar from point A to Broken Hill). Then you can jump over to the water pipe or stay on the rail line, either way there will be heaps of gates and if it is dry, plenty of dust. Despite what the stupid Google map says you just follow both to Menindee there is a pump house at Kinalung accessable from the tar Menindee Rd. You can literally ride into Menindee along either track. Suggest though that once you get to Sunset strip you go via Railway (northern side of the line) as it follows the shoreline of Menindee lake (dry at the moment).
Once you hit Menindee there are many options back to Ivanhoe, most direct via the Ivanhoe/Menindee Road. Depending on timings could return to Ivanhoe via Pooncarie. But imagine time will be against us.
I used to have access to Burke and Wills cave, located on private property roughly north of the railway, but the managers have changed. It would be a good ride/experience but would need to chase up the current owner/manager. But if you hadn’t had a huge ride without it there would be something wrong.
Trailboss wrote:
Quote:Yeah that works great and would be a good way out there and you could lead us from Ivan hoe to the corner, what sort or tracks/ terrain are we talking about?
I have some photo’s from a few years ago around the place I’ll have a look and post them if I can find them. Generally flat ranging from black soil to clay to pebbly. Just out of White Cliffs I remember several dipsYeah the railway service lines follow a straight line but are not dead straight them selfs and are 100 times better than a dirt road wouldnt you say?
Sometimes the railway access track was in better knick than the Menindee/Ivanhoe Rd!! Depends on your thoughts though, personally I’d rather gets some early KM’s under my wheels so that we are not forever trying to catch up time and rush towards the end.Then we can get back to Broken Hill, down the water pipe or railway to Menindee and railway to parkes
There are plenty of gates along the way between Menindee and Broken Hill, but they will help with the regroup and give everyone a chance for a blow.Richmond is good and close, say how did you find us here?
Your people got in touch with my people and… well here we are!Return Trip
Cameron Corner >> Tibooburra (via the main road/track) >> Packsaddle >> Broken Hill >> Silverton >> Mundi Mundi Plain lookout (you cannot travel out there and not go to the Silverton Pub [used to have accommodation] and then out to the Mundi Mundi Plain where parts of Mad Max 2 were filmed)
Return to Broken Hill >> Menindee Road to a point where it crosses the transcontinental railway line (about 3-4km out of town)TURN LEFT onto the railway access track:woohoo:
Travel along the track until you sight the large diametre white waterpipe (map will be on the next post when I’ve knocked one out)
I’m just down the road these days… Richmond.
As for getting to White Cliffs…
I note from a map you showed earlier and the route that you had posted that you were travelling Ivanhoe >> Menindee >> Wilcannia (via the West Wilcania Rd) >> west on Barrier Hwy turn right onto a dirt Rd >> White Cliffs Rd.
I note that you are going in both directions via Menindee. My thoughts would be
Ivanhoe >> Wilcannia >> White Cliffs >> Milparinka >> Tibooburra >> Cameron Corner via Middle Road & Fort Grey
There is another option north out of White Cliffs to the Tibooburra/Wanaaring Rd. But I think this one will be just fine…
I’ll go and play with Google maps again and show a proposed route for return.
Trailboss wrote:
Quote:Do you think we are allowed to travel the railway service line? No of course not, but its a relaxed issuse out there…The railway line access track IS a relaxed issue out there! But when there are signs regularly posted along the dog fence stating that it is an offence to travel along the track… that’s another issue again.
Both the railway access and the dog fence are straight dirt roads, therefore I fail to see the attraction?
Perhaps we might be able to ride “cross country” through properties that get in the way?
Trailboss wrote:
Quote:I meet a guy today that has ridden out there and recommended we ride from Cameron Corner back to Broken Hill via the dog fence, he was saying that the fence has a service track (twin trail) with alot of sand dunes and good riding. If we do this it would give us a different way to get back to Menindee.Don’t wish to be a party pooper (but I will be) last I’d heard was that riding the dog fence had legality issues. I don’t know about you but a shed load of blokes on bikes and a green and white Toyota Hilux running a special test down the fence may just bring some unwanted attention…
shane_vor wrote:
Quote:Well, what about a black tie event…I’ve seen reports of black tie events being held out in the middle of nowehere…Black tie? You belter!:woohoo: You have never BOUGHT a tie let alone a black one! Besides you don’t need an excuse to drink… you just need a place!:silly: :blink:
I know I’m new around here, but I spent a couple of years with work out west and to tell you the truth your doing far too much work on the route business.
Get an NRMA Far Western NSW map, they cover pretty much everything you would travel on out there. Planned my first ever trip out there with one and it was faultless, I bought the 1:100 000 topo maps but they had far too much info to be useful. I also have an electronic copy of Hema Maps covering the area west of Menindee/White Cliffs all the way across to the Canning Stock Route (maybe not this trip).
Shane VOR would probably support the above as he was my PM (he “refreshed” himself each lunch time)navigator on the first ever trip!
Any who sounds like a good idea, but I’m telling you that it’s freezing out there overnight in July! May be more comfortable in September…
That’s my $0.02 worth, count me in as a probable. I know that time may be tight but there are a few things to see at Menindee if the timings are right.
Oh yeah, a date locked in would be handy so that I can organise my annual leave at work! They like to know what’s happening 12mths in advance…
I’ll keep an eye on this one!