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Hey Andy…………
Can you get on to your mate Kev and get the tax rate lowered for us all? :laugh:
I would love to see it come in
And like you Bolls, I get mad with unreg trail riders (going the wrong thing, not wearing helmets, etc) giving us all a bad name.
Another thing that makes me mad is what the Greens MP said in the video that you linked ……..what a tosser!
Hey Luke
Congrats on the new stead and welcome to the orange family !
Look forward to catching up with you on a ride soon.
Happy birthday Boze !
Are you taking the day off to try out the new boots?
Have a good one.
Happy birthday Ranger Rick
Hope next ride is a bit warmer and less wet than last weekend !
Have a great one.
andy29 wrote:Logan wrote:Happy birthday Boll !!Hope to see you out on the tracks soon……
hope to see you on the tracks Logan.. Where u been buddy.
oh yeh btw happy birth day bol. See ya on the tracks very soon ya mad Honda rider.
Been under the pump with business and family commitments……..I am out the other side of that now
I’m back………….I will be even more slow and steady as I haven’t riden for months!
Anyway, as it is your birthday thread Boll, happy birthday again mate
Happy birthday Boll !!
Hope to see you out on the tracks soon……
Hey Boze
Where did you score this locally?
Sounds like a top product to me.
Yeah Boze, that tree was fairly hard.
I have one monster bruise on my upper leg :pinch: :pinch:
I was lucky….. :whistle: :whistle:
Just got in from the shed after installing new levers and a proper set of barkbusters.
Ready to go again! :woohoo:
Just remembered…..thanks goes to Andy for the replacement boot buckle that I broke getting ready before we set off
Great ride on Saturday, although a bit dusty.
Andy’s new tracks are brilliant. They were a bit hard to get grip on in a few sections because they were so dry and never been riden, but they will only get better with more bikes over them.
The new bike went really well. A few get offs, a few scratches and a couple of smashed off hand guards. One bent brake lever and one broken clutch lever. :whistle:
I kissed a tree and like Snowy’s tree, it rejected me. Thanks to Luke who was on the spot to help me back up. :pinch: :pinch:
Luke was riding like he had never been off the bike, well done mate – welcome back.
Thanks to Andy for the use of the paddock and for leading all day.
Vid to follow…..
Logan :blink:
Thanks guys.
Yep, new bike is nearing first service and is showing some small battle wounds already. :pinch:
I might even get a little spin on it this arvo as a birthday present. One thing is for sure, I don’t think this will be one of my most productive work days. :laugh: :laugh:
Cheers Logan
This is the second thread I have read tonight where your rumours are mentioned Boze.
You must be well connected
Yep, your sources are correct, I picked her up this arvo
It has 0.00 hours on it…… :whistle:
Like all dirt bikes, it is soon to be dropped, scratched and scuffed :pinch: :pinch: :pinch:
Top work Bol :laugh: :laugh:
That shower one is spot on :whistle:
Yeah, it will certainly feel different
To think this whole purchase started about a month ago up in the Nundle hills when the DRZ’s battery went flat and I realised I need to buy a kick starter………………………..turns out I bought a kick starter that came with a 450EXC already installed on it