My second ride with OBTR and my first post. Yep, I’m slack.
Thanks to TB and all who helped with the Christmas ride. I turned up on Saturday for the arvo ride, camped overnight and took off Sunday morning.
I was going well with no mishaps until we finished the slippery hill and I was pulling up next to Tiny who was saying ‘Watch out for the’ that’s all I heard before my front wheel washed out on a small stick and down I went. Tiny had just done the same thing and broken the clutch lever, not that it slowed him down.
Saturday night couldn’t have be better, spit roast, beers and a chat in front of a fire. Sounds like there are some interesting events planned in the future with OBTR.
For the raffle I had my eye on the enduro jacket from Sutto’s but had to settle for buying a beer cooler instead. The beef jerky was good too.
Good talking to the Wauchope boys about all the good riding around there.
Thanks to everyone, I had a great time.