Stewart Steel

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  • in reply to: Tamworth, QLD, Lighting Ridge and back ride report 2011 #203736

    Bastards. Mungindi, the Ridge, Cubby station. I have never been so peeved not to be on a ride. Good luck to youse.
    P.S Got a new computer. Can finally see whats happening again. Bloody beauty.

    in reply to: 3 states and more ride report 2011 #198963

    Sorry I’m a bit late getting a ride report together, things a bit hectic since arriving home. That was an epic weeks riding. I know that the day from Dargo to Jindy I went and thanked T.B for the best days riding I’d ever had.:)
    You’re the man T.B, thanks for everything. Ably assisted by Nick J and Mick P of course.

    Being late with my report, you blokes have stolen my thunder a bit, you’ve covered things really well. If I’ve got any different piccies I’ll post them up when the Mayor gets home and shows me how.

    Kram and I left St Albans ( scene of yet another O.B schoonerfest, complete with a Folk festival! Apparantely some idiot ended up playing guitars and carrying on with the festival folk till the wee small hours, but he can’t remember much so maybe it didn’t really happen) :unsure: in the company of the Boulder Bros. who led us through a nice windy dirt road, complete with grazing bison and heaps of sandstone caves. Top stuff.
    Said goodbye to the boys at the black top, then headed north through Laguna, Broke etc. and on to Singleton. That was also good.
    Then up the New England to Wallabadah. Boring as. Pity we didn’t see you Mick P, we could have used the moral support by that stage. Then Nundle, Nowendoc to Wingham, where it was now dark as well as cold and raining. An executive decision was made to go over Comboyne as we were really over highways. As we made it intact it must have been a good decision, but there were moments when it was just plain scary stuff. Got to Wauchope and couldn’t talk Kram into taking the ute home and picking the bike up later. Didn’t really expect to. Glad to hear he got home. All good.

    Big thanks to T.B, Nick and Mick for all you did. Special thanks to Boulder for the way he pitches in at problem times with encouragment and practical advice. Top effort with Krams bike at Bathurst too mate.

    Probably the best weeks riding I’ve had in my life, thanks mainly to the company.

    Catchya on the trails,

    in reply to: 3 states and more ride report 2011 #198959

    Just a message to say Moose and Kram made it safely to Wauchope at 7.30pm tonight and Kram is headed for home.

    Mrs Moose
    PS Hope his chain doesn’t come off or he is on his own.:)

    in reply to: 4 days, 3 states adventure ride April 2011 #189353

    I think I’m finally getting organised, truth be known I’m as nervous as a pooch passing peach pips.
    Got looking at the joblist to get Ol burple ready for 8 days of fun, then went and bought a new DR 650. Picked that up on friday arvo, and managed to rack up a few hundred kays over the weekend. Pretty good, but will tweak over the next couple of days. Any chance of a lend of that airhawk Nick? I think the seat may have been made of concrete by mistake!
    Also replaced some of my camping gear that failed so miserably on the Camerons ride.
    Anyway, looking forward to just getting on the bike and going.
    See you at Gunning,

    in reply to: Mick’s Birthday Ride #197699

    How good was that!! I relly enjoyed Fridays loop, with my highlight probably playing catch the lead rider with Crash on Knodingbull road. Great stuff.

    Saturday was a little dampish, which probably made it all the more fun. Sure was better than sweeping in the dust though.
    Arvo ride was a cracker. Mick’s local trail knowledge really came to the fore. Welldone mate.

    Great to see everyone, and yes the lantana noses at the Tavern did look really funny!!

    Catchya on the trails


    in reply to: Mick’s Annual Birthday Ride 4th & 5th of March 2011 #196113

    Goes without saying, count me in.

    in reply to: Hampton 200 the ride that was #194995

    Great stuff everybody!
    I note that there was no breakdown reports on Gazza’s mighty xr. No radaitor issues, no electric start issues, and it looks so tidy I nearly got a woody!
    Forget the “narny” Owl, we riders of such classy machinery should stick together against the evils of these modern whizzbang thingumejigs.


    Top photos & vids too. Maybe you could get Chris 72 to put them on a disc for you!


    in reply to: Wauchope to Comboyne 2/1/11 EOI #193500

    If you could just organise an inch of rain the night before so conditions could be like the pre run, that would be perfect Mick!
    Bring it on.

    in reply to: The Bulahdelah 2 day (and p*## off Boony) #190231

    I’m going to harden up next time and ride with Mick. It would certainly have improved my speech patterns, balance, and general behavior, compared to travelling with Kram!!
    Bloody funny night though.
    Saturday’s ride home was a hoot. Or at least it would have been if an owl had of tried to hit Mick’s bike. Most other critters had a shot at him!
    Great shot of the falls Mick.
    Thanks to all for the fun.


    in reply to: Ships ahoy at Bulahdelah!!!! #189836

    Just knocked off work and inspected Burple. No taillight,broken rear blinker complete with razor handle Jeffro and I “fixed” at Yunta, front blinkers at TB’s, tyres shagged.

    Hmmm, here we go again.

    in reply to: Condo to Cameron 2010 ride report #188748

    Christ Nick, no wonder you were pulling funny faces when I saw you put your boot on at Silverton!!

    That was an unbelievable weeks riding,great company. Watching the organizing crew trying to make route changes every evening, only to have them stuffed up by mother nature overnight is one memory of the trip that I think summed things up weatherwise.

    Hope we have better luck next year.

    well done to all involved, it was great.

    Oh yeah, on the way home, after I left Jeffro, I ran into some fella’s on old Indian’s at Warren. You wouldn’t believe it, they were heading to Camerons corner. I tried to explain the conditions we had just experienced and the flooding that was expected as a result, but they just didn’t get it. Last I saw they were headed for Gurlagembone pub to work out when they could get onto some ” good outback dirt roads “

    I wished them luck, they sure were going to need it.

    in reply to: For Sale IT250H resto project bike #184734

    I Know what you mean about the love/hate thing Mr Blue.I was riding my IT175 J around the paddock chasing the young bloke a couple of weeks ago, when he lost the front end and fell off.
    I went back, laughed at him, then proceeded to bury him in roost! Funny as. Right up till the gearbox blew.
    Bike will no longer stay in gear, and has a few other issues as well. Strangely enough, young George thought this was heaps funnier than I did!
    Yep, it’s a love/hate thing allright.


    in reply to: Sofala Obt 2nd Birthday Ride Report #177430

    Another incident from the weekend involved Burple getting terribly off line on a short sharp pinch with a double step rock shelf, in the pines Sunday morning. She rared, bucked, farted, skidded then wheelied. :laugh:
    Unfortunately for STM and Benji this took up all the track as well as about 20 ft either side. Benji of course made it look easy anyway, scratching past the “gumbo” in the pine tree,but I’d left STM with nowhere to go.
    When I sheepishly went back to help him, he was twisted around the top of his bike with his foot on the edge of a 2 ft rut. Helped him reorganize himself and drag his bike to where he could get started but I still felt like a dickhead for what I’d done to their run at the hill. Oh well, it happens!!.

    On another note, another exhibition of “Old Bull sprit” I saw was by Selena, Lachie and Kieren all being put out of their usual routine by a bunch of Greg’s noisy, hungry, thirsty, sleepy and even snorey mates. You guys rock. Thanks for everything.

    Still laughing to myself as I recall another incident or 2 from the weekend.

    Catchya later

    in reply to: Sofala Obt 2nd Birthday Ride Report #177417

    Just arrived home from yet another awesome OBT weekend. Glad we didn’t have to make the trip back to Wauchope last night!
    Highlights for me were

    A well organized ride catering for bikes as diverse as 1000 Vstroms right through to 2 stroke enduro rockets, and rider ability from new guys and gals through to seasoned campaigners.

    The support crew were terrific. They didn’t whinge when we were late to meeting points, they had firewood ready at Sofala when we got there, and as we were dragging our sorry asses on to our bikes Sunday morning they were busy cleaning and loading up barbies and picking up any rubbish. :) Well done gents. A top effort.

    How good was the campsite!

    The scenery. Great views and that real mountain country look (when you slow down enough to have a look)

    Campfire carry on.

    “Ol burple” completing another ride despite needing an ovehaul.
    Winning a prize for the oldest bike. A set of Pivot Pegs. As anyone who as ever used them will attest to,they are oneof the best accesesories you can fit to a dirtbike.( I wish some other people would start bringing the “old girls” out of the shed.)

    Yarning with micknmeld and kram on the trip down.

    T.B completing day 2 of a ride. :laugh:

    Everyones company.

    Lowlights were

    Krams crash and resulting injury.

    Throwing Burple away on a slippery causeway , in full view of at least 3 other riders, including the “papparazi”

    I had a ball. Thanks to everybody.


    in reply to: Ho hum another day in paradise. Byabarra bash. #175720

    Awesome day guys. Enjoyed getting out on “lil punkin’ immensely.Thanks Phil for the base station. And Mick for leading as usual. :)
    I spent all yesterday arvo thinking how good a lifestyle property that is. If only….
    Seriously good day folks. Lifes tough up here. :laugh: Just wish my kids were either home or unbroken.
    Goodonyuz, Moose

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