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you got the job half done….bite the bullet and do it properly….carma is a funny thing that could come back to bite you. dont make it somone elses problem…its un australi
angood point cycle tune. WHY WOULD YOU BOTHER. the amount of time spent stuffin around v’s a new one….let us think about it….minus the headachs….a new one for shore.. YOUR A GENIUS CYCLE TUNE …u must be a real mechanic or a smart one….Lol:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
February 28, 2011 at 4:45 pm in reply to: Mick’s Annual Birthday Ride 4th & 5th of March 2011 #196100hay all sorry but lm out due to havin to do a course on sat…have a good ride and catch up with u all soon:P
February 8, 2011 at 10:27 am in reply to: Mick’s Annual Birthday Ride 4th & 5th of March 2011 #196078One in all in friday and sat for me too please see you all there!
thats gold arron. just keep the camera going at all times and no matter what…but what about that idiot that ran infront of the camera and you couldnt see the carnage, or was that a roo lol wish l was there :laugh: :laugh:
if the guys need a hand call us on 0413895521..not far from the nundle end
is he ok to ride or do we need to organise to go get him and the bike
have owned a d40 diesle for almost 2 years and there not good. there GREAT..sorry boony. compared both hilux when l was buying and bang for buck the nissan shat all over the hilux even in the smallest of things. as the guy know i hammer the poor thing as a daily work ute towin a work trailer with all the tools to fix or make anything.on weekends it a worrior from wild weekends with the boys to campin and sking town the ski boat and a 26ft van…all like a says something when the guys took my navara out to comerons corner over the hilux. :unsure: in that time l had bollocks hilux and l reackon that the navara would eat the hilux..but the hilux was auto. have a look at the footage from the corner and think we will be seeing u in a navara. the only thing i can knock is the rear suspension is a bit soft. if your comming on the coffs ride ur more then welcome to give it a beating
that one wouldnt be a rabbit would it ollie lol
the coffs trip sounds a perfect excuse.. we have named her Ebony May… in greek..a little terror lol
this is our second girl now. dont know how lm going to jugle three women in my life :laugh: :laugh:
l cant beleave that anyone douted the nissan….u all must drive toyotas and yamahas. you did an awsome job bollocks. hope the footage of what your ute can do never gets out :laugh: :laugh:cheers mate for bringing the big girl home….three cheers for bollocks. It looks like all the rest of u OB had a ball. it all didnt go to plan but what does hay kelly (aka Handbreak). Could have gone. :angry:
welcome home guys. soundin like u had an awsome time. havnt seen my ute yet but have missed it. keep the photos comming cause l cant read
well its lucky that they took a NISSAN. perfect toyota recovery vechical
awsome photos snowey. cheers all for the awsome ride. had a ball.