Yeah TB, the pics are still in the camera! cant find the proper cord for it..
I couldnt get on your ride, so I made arrangements a couple of weeks ago to get out there today. Has anyone rigged up a camera mount on there bikes? I was too busy riding to take too many pics unfortunately…
I went out on a ride on Monkey ‘Butt’ track today. It looks the same one these wonderful riders had fun on..I made it up in 1 go on the cook’s XT250 with standard tyres…it was chopped up but so much fun!
Kat, sorry to hear and see the demise of your tiedowns. After almost losing my old TY250 near Mudgee, I have invested in some better tiedowns and tie the ‘tail’ of the strap overand around the hook so it dont move. I have also installed eyebolts on the trailer so no strap is rubbing anywhere.
sounds like my sorta ride! Now to get the IT400 rego’d or pinch the cook’s XT250 next time..
Glad not much damage was caused and I guess there was smiles all round.
yep drum brakes. I bought it with it fitted..
Ive been on the trails without brakes and it was easy to ride, just didnt want to stop riding it!
Now with the brakes sorted, and a new pipe it should be better! I’m just worried about the extra movement of the sprocket.
I’ll post some pics do I do that here? via photobucket?
Now ya done it! I just put it all together tonight with new brake shoes. I’ll get it apart and take a pic and as assembled. I dont think there was an extra bearing there.
I’ve been waiting for this for ages.. I have an IT400F, now finished and ready for the trails, or a mate’s property at least. If I can get rec rego, it would be easier to get to trails from said mate’s farm.