Forum Replies Created
June 28, 2015 at 11:28 am in reply to: Ride ADV NSW South Coast Ride NAV ride 2015, 1st and 2nd of August 2015 #262114
Just cracked 10,000 on the way into the driveway
I was a bit pissed with the whole computer bullshit deal that has to have dealer software plug in
It ended up in a stock bad fuel map for the whole trip, No codes flashed on the dash
130’ks an hour flat out. The anvil would punch out 140 loaded.Taking it out for a spin to the pack saddle road house next weekend to see if its fixed properly
June 25, 2015 at 11:42 am in reply to: Ride ADV NSW South Coast Ride NAV ride 2015, 1st and 2nd of August 2015 #262113Finke service road, Much the same for 240k’s. Mind the 4wd traffic, I hear its better on the race track
I’ll be there regardless :woohoo:
June 25, 2015 at 9:07 am in reply to: Ride ADV NSW South Coast Ride NAV ride 2015, 1st and 2nd of August 2015 #262111Dalby – Cooyar – Crows Nest – 178Ks
Wake up
Back on the bike 7am for a quick ride down the road to town for coffee, And wait for Dalby Moto to open for a well needed service
Brand spanking new 606’s and 2 litres of whatever the shop oil was.
The rear rimlock looked like a bannana so it got binned,Whoever said balancing dirt tires was a waste of time has never done big kilometeres.. Im now convertedEnded up running into Roderick and Alistair, My bike was good to go at 9:20am but the body wasnt,Sat around talking shit
and wasting time, Only to discover more cracks on the pannier racks.. Quick squirt with the mig and it was a lazy day.Along the way we spotted this place, They all left after we rolled in smelling like corpses and behaving like cunts
Spent the rest of the afternoon sinking piss at the Grand Old Crow in Crows Nest
Could be in for this, Had a mishap on the way home from broken hill which ended up with my sleeping bag melting and setting the swag and mattress on fire :ohmy:
Rest in melted bits $80 army disposal bag
Any more details ?
May 29, 2015 at 9:45 am in reply to: THE Ride ADV 40th ANNIVERSARY FINKE DESERT EXPEDITION NAVIGATION RIDE #259982Cheers for the heads up, $2 blue tarp deployed
April 24, 2015 at 7:59 am in reply to: Chris Birch can ride and proves it without doubt here #261698I’m adding New Zealand to the list, that place looks awesome
Im worried about you Andy, How did you manage to find this video and sit through it
I got sucked in by the girl on the bike hoping for boobies but they NEVER SHOWED!
A big sandpit full of concrete slab and rebar.Old couches and a washing machine, Maybe a flat screen too
but i reckon a ladder bridge down something and a sea saw would be mad
Doing better than me then
Packed yz into ute Thursday night to go to gulgong.
Friday morning got volunteered to go on call for the weekend insteadI ran a spot 3 on the apc with tracking running all day. took me 16 days and i didn’t have to change the lithiums out
I wouldn’t bother with the usb charging as those shitty little connectors end up destroyedI think it did another 2 months of daily Ok messages in the arvo before it started flashing red
My spot 2 loved to drain batteries, I think the 3 has an auto off if your too pissed and forget to switch it off.
Theres a shit tonne of them in Broome
Heard a story from one of the locals, Just leave the keys in it mate the residents know every ignition lock on the market
If you waste their time it will be a big melted stain on the main drag tomorrowThey do look good, Im still using the Asterisk Cells and the only complaint has been the bulk
Not sold on the securing straps as they look like a regular maintenance item..The femur bone comment is one i hadn’t heard before, The other weekend i went down and rode off
But the aftermath was a big ring on the knee cap and an even bigger yellow black ring around the top of the braceIf they pissed off the straps and went with the wire ratchet i would consider them..
Is it just me or does the treadly champ have them on the wrong legs?
I’m due for another spew in the helmet :sick: